unravling feelings

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I'm not sure what this emotion was. I never imagined in a million years I would ever feel this way? Towards my Glaceon of all things! I'm not sure why, but I feel butterflies when I see her eyes. Her crystal blue eyes, they always have a loving inviting look. I think I'm falling in love with her

But this is against the law, forbidden! But I will make her my lover. I will make her see I love her, but I'm afraid she won't love me back. I'm scared, but I will tell her my feelings. "T-trace"? She is standing behind me, should I tell her now, or should I wait.

"what is it"? I asked in a nervous tone. "You seem a bit jumpy" she asked concerned.

I look back at her unsure of what to say "n-nothing' I lied, I was to nervous to tell her how I really feel

"Oh", she said "just come to me if you wanna talk" she fell asleep on the couch. I decided to cuddle her on the couch, I kissed her lips before I drifted off to sleep-


We both woke up at the same, her face was beet red, she was blushing in my arms. "U-uh", she stuttered. I kissed her before she could finish talking. I was ready to tell her my feelings

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