Part 2 ; Don't look back

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Okay so this chapter will contain a lot of flashbacks when Jason met Hope. And this might also already be the end of this story. Don't know now but we'll see when it comes to it.



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3 Months ago...

The snow had just began to settle for the winter, when my brother had wanted to talk to me in the forest. It was colder than usual and the wind had taken a liking in freezing me to the bones while I was making my way towards our meeting point. 

As I'm making my way trough the trees I tried to calm my heart. I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about all of this. The trees seemed somehow more terrifying and darker as else. Theyre branches hanging lower because of the heavy snow and the long shadows from the setting sun didn't help at all.

The snow was quietly crunching below my feet while the wind was still howling trough the valley and sounding like the howling of wolves. The cold was eating me from the inside out while I was trying to warm myself by rubbing my hands, unfortunately with no success. " Why the fuck does it have to be this cold." I muttered to no one in particular. Trying to puff some warm air into my hands I finally stopped walking and let my gaze wander around the clearing where I was suppose to meet my brother.

As I was taking a look around the clearing a shadow made himself seen on the other side. I immediately looked at the shadow making his way towards me. It turned out to be Miles, my brother. " You're late." I tell him as he is in earshot of me. " As well could I say you were to early." He replies. 

We stare at each other for about a few minutes until my brother decide to break the silence.

"I'm sorry I couldn't let you know about this meeting earlier, but the danger of dad finding out was too big... Like I told you there is something you need to know." He takes a break. Probably choosing his next words carefully before continuing, "I'm leaving for Europe in three hours. I don't want you too look for me or anything, just make shure you're safe bro." With that said my brother turns around and disappears behind the trees.

But I'm just staying there, frozen, not saying or moving a bit. Why is he leaving and why not taking me with him? Without thinking I start running after him but I'm not able to find him. Lost and tired I let my body fall to the ground and just lie down, until a shadows appears over me. I slowly turn my head to see who's shadow it is, when my eyes land on the figure of a young girl. She must have been my age or just slightly younger since she was only an inch smaller than me. "Who are you?" I ask with little to ne voice. "My name is Hope." Was her simple answer before fainted into endless darkness...

Extended end...

Since that day we met a lot at that clearing. In the beginning only as friend but it turned fast into something more, something greater. Can you guess? Love

And thats it. This is the ending of this two-shot, at least for now. I'm so excited that I was finally able to finish this (very) short story and I hope that you all enjoyed it.

Yele98 aka. Agent_Reach logging out 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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