Chapter 1

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Ren slowly chewed the last three spoons of her food because she was waiting for Marco to finish and leave first. She didn't want his dad suggesting again that they'd go to school together.
It would mean that she had to ride his motorcycle and inevitably touch him again.
*touch* she thought, *isn't it a too vulgar word to say when referring to riding with him*. * seems like I'm the one judging myself*. She gasped.

The last time was a hardly bearable scene. She was in wary of touching him since they don't even talk and on top of that, she could feel his discomfort and indifference towards her.
Not to mention that she felt too bloated for the ride, or she's rather quite plump that she felt inferior of his perfect body.

So, all throughout the 15 to 20-minute ride, she was: first, conscious of the body contact--because she may physically project her yearning... no... her emotions rather, second, he may complain of her heaviness plus her space consuming flab and third, he may have deemed her trouble for becoming an extra baggage to school.

The ride ended but no words came out. He preferred to ignore her than to give a damn. But still she can't deny that feverish coldness he throws her way.

At home, his home, Yes, he'd nod or occasionally give response to her and her mother but beyond that he's never the most hospitable host ever. She understood that it was because she and her mom were somewhat kind of intuders in his home, in his mother's home that he come off as that.
Their family, once lived there, until, a year ago, when his father--Martin and his mother--Caroline, decided to get separted. Not legally yet but Martin is suggestive that it was over, that no remedy can alter it.


She ran to her classroom, out of breath. She was already late for 10 minutes.

'How's day four?'Jay, Ren's bff and her sort of other half, asked.
Jay knew all about her misfortune. Jay, of all her friends was her closest.
'If you're tired being his brother, you can always have me as your substitute. You know, I'm your other half anyway.' He sounded flirtatious as he suggested.
'Ha-ha, being my substitute would mean you'd be his brother, not lover.' She remarked sarcastically.
'Well, I don't mind incest anyway.'
'It ain't incest if your not related by blood afterall.'
'Pig! And that's an insult to pigs.' She jokingly insulted him.
'Haha... Well, anyway I found out a lot of things about Marco.'
Eversince finding out who her brother-to-be was, it had aroused Jay as well as their other friends' interest.
'Apparently my boyfriend is currently their college's reigning Mr. COE and....' He paused
'...the current prince of Asul Theater Guild.'
'So you mean he is the one that we were crushing on, on that play last sem?'
She pouted. How could she not recognized him? How could she end up being his housemate? How on earth will they be able to endure everyday?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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