Chapter 1 Where it all begins

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                   CHAPTER 1
                     WHERE IT ALL BEGINS

-Grand-ma ? Where is grand-pa? I mean why isn't he with us?

- Ooh my dear child, your grand father was a great man, the greatest of all. He is also the reason why people like me are allowed to walk on this land. Let me tell you the story of the best king that has ever existed ,his name was Adam

-Like grand pa??

-Yes my love , just like grand pa
When magic was outlawed, a young sorcerer had escaped her city . She went to the only place she could, Avalon. Her mother's friend Marcus agreed to give her shelter . The young woman, Sara

-Hey ! You two have the same name!!

-You wanna know the story or not! Stop interrupting me!


She was so exited. Sara was kind of happy to be in Avalon, the greatest kingdom that has ever been build . Yes, she knew that she may never see her family again , but you know, she was in AVALONE! That excitement went away when she saw someone being hanged because that person was a sorcerer. I mean what did that guy do? He was born this way, it's not like something he chose! It made her remember why she left her town and it just amplified the hunger that was in her. The fire that burns so bright within her , but a fire that no one can know about , a fire that must be hidden like something shameful. That fire is call magic. She can never trust anyone about this except one person, Marcus. After the execution, on her way to the palace where her only true alie lives, she bumped into a blur , someone she barely saw .

-HEY! Watch yourself you fool , he says
-Sorry , majesty, I didn't know you were that important, she replies with a bit of sarcasms
-Pffff idiot ,he thought
-Asshole, she thought

She didn't know what she said to him was true . Yes, he was an asshole, but that blur, was actually very important . He was Avalone's future king, prince Adam Wilson

She finally found Marcus's chambers in the palace. She knocks on the door , but no one answers . Whatsoever, she opens the door

-Hello?Marcus? You here?

Marcus grabs her and place a knife on her throat. Not bad for a dusty old man , but these little tricks are nothing compare to Sara's magical power. She torns the blade apart and she pushes Marcus away.

-Who the hell are you? You're a sorcerer? GUAA...

Sara grabs him and she put a hand on his mouth.

-I'm not here to hurt you! I'm Martha's daughter!
-But, but,but you weren't supposed to be here until Wednesday?
-It is Wednesday
-Oh! Great! Then welcome to my humble house  ! Make yourself at home. Your room is over there and if there is anything you need just say the word!
-Wooo! Glad you're in a better mood than when I came in
-Martha's daughters are my daughters!
-Sorry that came out very wrong ... Just know that I'm there for you . Couldn't have been easy leaving your family like this...
-It was for the best... It's safer this way
-maybe you should go explore the city while a cook us dinner?
-Yeah great idea , thank you for your hospitality

While leaving the palace, she saw someone that seemed familiar to her , tall , the most blue and shiny eyes she has ever seen, awesome blond hair that fell perfectly around his ears, the shiniest and the prettiest smile ever . Who was that guy? Ah , he was the blur , the prat she met earlier. He suddenly became less attractive to her.

-Hey you blind? You're walking around like you don't see me ?
-Is that a crime or something?
-Am I invisible or are you just the stupidest person who has ever lived?
-None of these answers sire
-Lean before me ! NOW!
-Oooh no I won't ! Who do you think you are the king or something?

He grabbed her arm and he torned it. She bite her lips because she didn't want to scream, she didn't want to give him that satisfaction.

- No, I'm his son , Adam

AvalonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant