Chapter 2 Héléonora

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She wakes up in a cell. Adam must've knocked her out . The Keys weren't far . She could use magic , but she could get caught , which wouldn't be a smart move, because the consequence of using magic is being burn to the stick . Not something she wanted to try. Maybe distract the guards? No, that's still too risky. So, she stayed in the cell for days . One night, she woke up in a hurry, she heard someone screaming : Héléonora. No one seemed to hear it except her. The Guards were still looking right at her. She was starting to think that she'd never get out of that old, cold, creepy cell. She woke up night after night ,always because of the voice screaming : Hélénora. Except one night, she woke up because three of the guards started screaming, the others where already knocked out . She could see flesh wound on the knocked out guards. Someone must shot them with darts . Suddenly , a sword man appears and He knocks the other guards out.

-Come on let's go
-who are you?
-the one who just saved your life ,come on lets go
-okay? Then, thanks, random guy who just saved my life for no reason

While they were leaving ,she turned around to face the man who just saved her life.

-Really , why did you save my life? Who are you !?
-no one ! Just keep walking

They made their way out of the tunnel and then, the guy just vanished , he disappeared ?The young gifted women was determined to find out who the guy was, but first she had to go back to Marcus's chambers.

-Where have you been?!??!?I cooked you my best dinner and you didn't even come 😔😢
-I would've come but that royal ass threw me in a cell !
-Who ? The king!!!!!
-No, the prince
-Whaaaaaat!!!! I work for these people if they only knew that I live with a prisoner I'd be fire!
-I'm going fix this . Don't worry, just go back to sleep.

It was 3h30 in the morning, Sara was exhausted. So she also went to sleep.


Okay! It's over ! She can't stand it anymore ! Who was this héléonora? Why does her name keep waking her up? She decided to follow the voice. It led her in the prison. She enchanted the guards so they wouldn't try to stop her. The sounds kept leading her in dead ends until she arrived at the tunnels . She mad her way across, and at the end was a man, chained , thin, dirty, old, rusty. He was very scary.

-You found me young warlock
-You're the one who keeps screaming héléonora ?
-Yes , I was calling you
-Me? My name is Sara
-The name they gave you at your birth is Sara , but your true name is héléonora and you have a great destiny that awaits you.
-Who are you? What the hell are you talking about?
-I am Aristocrate
-Okay , why are chained?
-They say I know too much, They say that the secrets I know must never be revealed
-If the information you know is that important why didn't they kill you ?
-The things I know are also extremely valuable to them. Enough about me young warlock , lets talk about you, héléonora
-Stop calling me that ! My name is Sara.
-You are the one we have all been waiting for. You're the one who is going to bring back magic. You're the one who is going to save the land!
-Ahahahahahah yeah I'm not even near to be that cool
-You're going to work with Adam and you two together will bring back the time of the old religion
-Adam ? Are we talking about the same Adam? Because this one is an idiot and an ass
-Perhaps it's your destiny to change that
-Yeah totally , looks awesome, if we were in a fairy tail I'd probably do that . Good luck with your life I'm out , and please stop waking me up at night.
-Soon you are going to realize that I'm right and that you need me !
-Yeah I will probably do that too

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