Chapter Two

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**Victoria's POV**

When my eyes peel open, I take in my surrounds and I have no idea where I am. This place seems vaguely familiar, but I can't quite place it. It's only once I hear a quiet snore next to me that I remember where I am. I focus my attention on the boy with his arms wrapped around me, and loose but protective grip. Logan? Lewis? Louis. That was his name. The bloke who coaxed me into coming home with him this morning when he heard me singing. I observe him closely, taking in our position and his features. My face is even with his chest, both of us sprawled across his suede couch. We're wrapped in a plush blanket that's the same chocolate shade of brown as the sofa we lay on. He has his muscular arms wrapped me and his chin atop my head. A whisper in the back of my brain reminds me how good it feels to be held like this, to feel as if someone cares about me. I quickly push those thoughts away. I don't know this man at all. I have no idea what he does with his life or what he's like.

Shivering at the cool air filling the room, I unconsciously lay my head back into his warm chest. Gazing at the hand fallen across my shoulder, I read his watch: 15:30. Dandy. We've slept right into the late afternoon. Closing my eyes once more, I fall back into a comfortable slumber. It isn't until Louis begins to squirm next to me that Im awaken again. I watch his face carefully as his eyes flutter open. Confusion flashes across his face, but it's quickly replaced by a goofy smile.

"Good morning." Louis smiles a smile that makes my neglected heart skip. When he speaks, his stubble scratches against my forehead, lightly tickling me. I'm unable to grasp how he can feel so comfortable with a stranger he's only just met. Finally, I remember to respond to him.

"Morning." I reply as I sit up, removing the blankets from my body, revealing what I presume are Louis' clothes. I can't recall the events from the previous night once we arrived at his flat. Pushing my weight to my feet, I stand up wearily, not used to having such a full and comfortable nights sleep. I raise my arms over my head and stretch, a yelp escaping my lips in the process. Louis chuckles and gets to his feet as well, his footsteps padding over the carpet as he walks in the direction of what I assume is the kitchen. I spin around and fully survey the entirety of his home. It's large for an apartment in London, and it makes my head hurt thinking about how much it must cost. I see a corridor that is lined with three doors, most likely two bedrooms and a bathroom. When I do another 180-degree spin, I return to watching Louis.

"Would you like some tea?" Louis smiles warmly at me, and the warmth he exudes is so foreign to me. The expressions I receive with most people are blank stares or forced smiles when they listen to me sing. Nothing genuine. No one is ever genuine with me.

"Erm, sure." I try to bring a smile to my cracked lips, but I can feel it falter under Louis' scrutiny.

"How do you take it?" He asks as he turns around to face the stove, filling the kettle with tap.

"One sugar." I pull a stool away from the counter and plop my minuscule bum onto it. I drum my fingers along the granite counter top, humming a song I can't remember the title of. I heard it somewhere in Kings' Cross, and it's catchy. Maybe a bit too pop-ish for my liking, but catchy nonetheless. Louis picks it up and hums along with me, looking quite smug if you ask me.

"What's with that look?" I laugh at him, raising my eyebrows as he shakes his hips to the beat of the song whilst ripping open a packet of sugar and spilling it into a pristine white mug sat atop a matching saucer filled with my tea. He slides the teacup across the counter to me.

"Nothing, it's just I didn't take you as a fan." He shrugs.

"Of whom? I don't even know the lyrics to that song, let alone who sings it. The tune is just catchy." I defend myself.

"Let me show you." He skips over to his coffee table and picks up his Macbook, carrying it towards me. Popping a squat on the chair to my right, he opens it up but tilts the screen so I can't see what he's searching on what I recognize as YouTube. He finds what he's looking for and with a satisfied smirk, he turns the screen towards me. I read the title "One Direction - Best Song Ever". Suddenly the scene appears and I see an extremely fake looking fat, hairy, man. I recognize his face immediately. Turning to Louis, I laugh.

"Is that you?" I question, a giggle escaping my lips. He nods without looking at me, his eyes locked on the screen. He shushes me and urges me to watch the video. Six minutes and thirteen seconds later, I sit dumbfounded, my mouth agape.

"What the fuck did I actually just watch?" Louis busts out laughing.

"Me and my band!" He says with an amused smile on his face. "Speaking of which, we should get going if we don't want to be late." He throws me one of his hoodies and grabs one for himself off the hooks next to his front door. Holding his mobile to his ear, and I hear him mumble something about having a car waiting for us to who I presume is his driver.

When we walk out of the revolving doors of his complex, a black SUV awaits us. The sleek door is held open by Louis' driver, Steve I think his name was. I slide across the immaculate black leather seats to the opposite side of the vehicle. Louis hops in next to me, flashing me his perfect smile. It's then I notice that he's brought my guitar, case and all. I suppose I'll be playing for his bosses to see if I'd be their opening act on tour. Butterflies emerge in my stomach and I'm suddenly stricken with nerves. Lou seems to notice this, rubbing my arm up and down cautiously, as if he's afraid as to how I'll react. I look out to my left, observing the crowded London streets as they flash by in a kaleidoscope of colors and people. Eventually we shriek to a jolting halt in the stop-and-go traffic and Louis decides it's just easier to get out now and walk the rest of the way.


Entering the office building, the receptionist recognizes Louis and lets us enter with no questions asked. I race across the tiled floor to push the button for the lift and when Louis sees me running towards it, he tries to beat me there. I smirk with satisfaction when I win. The bell rings as the doors shuffle open, and I rush in to hit the button on the inside of the lift, but I realize I have no idea what floor we're traveling to. Louis has a smug grin on his face and hits floor 10, the second to the top floor, according the buttons. When we reach our floor, Louis grasps my hand and drags me in the direction of the conference room we're heading to. When we arrive in front of the door, Louis pauses.

"You ready?" He grins with reassurance written on his face. I nod hesitantly and inhale deeply through my nose while he turns the knob on the door, revealing a table surrounded by confused looking executives and guys I recognize to be Louis' bandmates. This should be interesting.

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