Chapter Three

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**Louis' POV**

Pushing the heavy door open, I take in my surroundings; A conference room filled with important looking men, a large mahogany table taking up most of the room with flowers idly placed atop, and then the lads. Each wears a look of confusion on their face, their eyebrows furrowed. They're looking straight past me, though. All of their eyes are directly trained on Victoria, scrutinizing her every detail. I decide that it's probably not the most comfortable position for her, so I loudly clear my throat. The boys attention snaps to me once more and I grin. While we've had time off for the last few weeks, I haven't seen any of the boys at all. I know Zayn has been spending loads of time with Perrie, before both of them have something else to do band-wise. Liam went home to visit his family and spent the rest of his time with Andy and I believe Maz here in London. Niall has been catching up with his friends here and even flew to Ireland for a couple of days. Harry however, is still absent. I know he went to the States, New York I think. He texted us all to say something important had come up after Olly's birthday and he needed to stay. He received an extra week off- no more than seven days I was told- and he'd catch up with us soon. Niall told me he'd seen him on David Letterman- a show he'd come to love while in America- with a musician from New York. Kelly Miller, I think her name was. She's hot, I'll tell you that. The boys return my smile and Niall even jumps out of his seat to greet me. He practically assaults me with a bear hug and I squeeze him back.

"I missed you, man." He whispers in my ear during the hug.

"I bloody missed you too, mate." I grin against his shoulder. The remaining two join in the group hug, and when they step away, look at me expectantly. Immediately, I know what they want.

"This is Victoria. If you all let her, she'll be our supporting act for Where We Are." Niall is unfazed, being his usual outgoing self. He holds out his hand for her to shake.

"Niall Horan, one fifth of One Direction. Pleasure to meet you." Victoria looks hesitant, glancing at Niall's hand questionably, but I can tell she knows this is important. She puts on her best façade and shakes his outstretched hand.

"Victoria. The pleasure's all mine, believe me." She smiles a fake smile. It's a good disguise, but it just doesn't reach her eyes like her genuine smile does. When Niall steps back and joins the guys, he looks at them as a cue for someone to go next. Liam steps forward and I can see the conflict in his eyes. He wants to trust her, to trust me and my opinion, but the sensibility in his mind just won't let himself. So both Liam and Victoria put on an act while she smiles and shakes his hand. He speaks first.

"I'm Liam Payne. I'm sure if Louis likes you, so will the rest of us." He drops her hand rather quickly after finishing his line.

"And I'm sure that if you're Louis' best mates, you must be great guys." She nods at him. Zayn has the same weariness in his face that I saw in Liam when he grasps her hand.

"Zayn Malik. Hopefully you'll be joining us on tour."

"Thank you, Zayn." Victoria replies and lets her hand fall to her side. The guys return to their seats and I usher Victoria into the chair beside mine.

"These are our managers and some corporate executives from our label. You'll have to sing for them, but you have nothing to worry about. You'll do fantastic. I'm sure of it." I whisper in her ear.

"Well that makes one of us." She replies quietly and I can practically see the nerves getting the best of her.

"It will be perfectly fine." I promise, squeezing her small hand.

"Okay. If you say so."

"Do you have any songs prepared?" I ask her.

"Um. I know Fix You by Coldplay by heart. I could play that." She smiles shyly, but the act of smiling seems too difficult for her, and it ends up turning into a grimace.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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