April 25th, 1981

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Don't keep me waiting here-

The rest of the weekend was quiet. The routine Dean and Abigail sustained was very easy, and didn't require the energy that Dean didn't have. Sam and Jess returned on Sunday, walking in to find Abby and Dean both asleep in the living room. Passed out on the couch, he was awoken by the loud steps of Sam's long legs, striding across the room to pick up his little blonde ray of sunshine.
"Morning sleeping beauty." Sam hugged his daughter, smiling.
"I'm taking that as a compliment, thank you." Dean stood up and stretched, pulling in Jess for a warm embrace.
"How was she?" Sam asked, giving his brother a pat on the back, as Jess took Abby.
"Good, great actually. She's so happy all the time, makes me wonder if her cheeks are sore."
Jess giggled, and Sam put his arm around her. "What fun things did you guys do while we were gone?"
"Nothin really. Stayed inside most of the time. Took a walk on Friday." He scratched at the shirt that was hanging loosely off of his chest. It still smelt like him...
"Oh ya? Where to?" Sam's eyes darted quickly around the room, then back to the green ones string back at him.
"Um.. We went down to see Cas." His deep voice was soft when he spoke, mouth slightly ajar when the last word came out of his mouth. His tongue now rested in between his teeth, as if he wanted to continue. It drew back into its home and he clenched his jaw.
"Oh. Well we um, we had fun." Sam changed the subject, and Dean understood. The couple took turns explaining what they did and people they met.
"Thanks again for watching her, you didn't have to." Jess took Dean's hand in between both of hers, looking into his emerald eyes.
"Any time I have a chance to spend with my girl, I'm gonna take it. He kissed her cheek and picked up his bag off the couch. "Thank you for letting me."
"Oh any time you want to come up here, you just do it." She winked and gave a patient smile. Sam approached holding Abby.
"Say bye to uncle Dean." He handed her off. Dean kissed her head and said a few quiet words, then returned her to her father.
"See ya later man." Sam used his free hand to wrap it around his brother, then back to Abby. Dean smiled and walked out to his truck, throwing the luggage in the back. He waved as he pulled out, leaving his family be.

The ride home was filled with tunes, and he hummed to the ones he couldn't find the words to. The box was sitting in the passengers seat, receiving a few glances every few minutes. Dean pulled up to the stop sign and waited for the red Chevy to pass, and then continued down the street to Bobby's shop. When he pulled up, he was greeted by a welcoming 'open' sign.
"Well well, look whose back." Bobby stood and said as he heard the small bell beside the door ring. "How's the little one?" He pulled Dean in for a quick embrace, then crossed his arms.
"She's good, always smiling and happy." He pushed his keys down into his pocket. He wanted to stop by to tell Bobby he could work all this week, considering he took the weekend off to watch Abby.
"That's good.. So why did you come her before dropping off your stuff?" He peered out the window at the duffle bag thrown in the bed of the old truck.
"I uh, just wanted to tell you I can work all this week if you want. Got nothin better to do." Dean shrugged.
Bobby nodded. "Yeah I don't think thats necessary. You got that one race on Thursday you have to get ready for, boy." He walked behind the counter and opened a drawer, then tossed Dean his bike keys.
Dean looked down at the cold metal, tracing over the ridges with his thumb. "I don't think I wanna race for the big bucks anymore. I'd rather just stay here and fix up other people's pieces of junk." Bobby sat down in the chair by wall, confused.
"What the hell are you talking about? This is what you do. You race, you win, you come in on Monday and tell me about how the other guys bike is a piece of shit. What's the matter? You too old for it now?" Dean rubbed the back of his neck and laughed.
"No... I just think I should do something better. Maybe teach the younger people who suck. Help them win a few, pay me, repeat. I've talked to a few guys about how they mentor some of the newbies. They make a pretty good amount from what they told me."
"Well if that's what you wanna do, I can't stop you. I've seen a few younger guys down at the track these past couple days. They were just messing around, but if a winner like Dean Winchester asks to help em, they'll get their asses out there and work. "
There was a silent pause between the two of them, and Dean contemplated this idea for a moment.
"Ya... So I guess I will need Thursday off." Dean looked at his bike keys one more time before putting them in his pocket with his other ones. "I'll be back later, gonna drop my stuff off. Anyone have an appointment?"
"No not today. But, I do have an interview with some guy who was looking for a job." Deans mouth opened for a moment like he wanted to say something, but closed.
"Just some drifter traveling around. No big deal."
"I thought it was just us, you know. Family business." Dean put his hands into his jacket pockets and shrugged.
"Well I thought since you have nothing to do that you would be racing, but now you have that teacher thing in mind, so... It's just an interview. I'll show him around, get to know him a little. You'll help the rookie racers and I'll help the old guys who need a few bucks. Like I said, not a big deal."
Dean exhaled loudly, and licked his dry lips. "Whatever. I'll be back." He turned away and left, returning to his vehicle. He started the truck and drove off.
Maybe teaching these younger guys will help him with everything, take his mind off of the bad things in his life. Make some kids lives happier. It was just something he talked about with Benny and Zeke, two guys he knew that were always down at the track. Benny started mentoring a 16 year old the other day, and he was pretty good. Had a trash bike, but knew a lot about control and wasn't cocky. Zeke was younger than Dean by a few years, but had won some big races. He knew a thing or two about how to spend his money he got, too. Had a beautiful girlfriend, big house. He wasn't racing too much anymore, but practiced every weekend he could. Planned on purposing soon, also.

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