Chapter One: The Hogwarts Express

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Harry Potter waved goodbye to Hagrid as he boarded the Hogwarts Express once again. It was the end of his fifth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry and for once he was not depressed by the idea of going back to the Dursley house. Oh yes, for the first time since starting at Hogwarts he was actually happy that the summer holidays were starting. He wouldn't call the house in Little Whinging his home, he would never do that, but this summer an opportunity to get away from them had come about and Harry wasn't exactly about to let it go. Harry walked along the train trying to find the compartment in which his friends, Ron and Hermione, were sat waiting for him to arrive.

"Harry!" he heard a voice shout and he looked up to see that it was Hermione waving to him. He smiled at his enthusiastic friend and started towards her.

He reached the compartment and saw not only Ron and Hermione, but Neville and Ginny in there as well. So he sat down next to Ron and opposite Ginny. Harry smiled at the girl opposite him and she smiled back. He was a little wary of Ron's little sister, for a while now he had known that the girl had a crush on him. Not that this was a problem, he was a little flattered that someone actually found him attractive but after two years it was getting a little annoying. He had tried to let her down gently and had told her a number of reasons why they would never be together one of them being that he didn't go for girls and another being that he was already happily spoken for. Of course the point of him already seeing someone had caught the attention of his friends and he had to try really hard to stop them pestering him, eventually they gave up, thinking that Harry had just made it up to get Ginny off his back. For once in her life Hermione was wrong, Harry was actually in a very serious relationship. He just didn't want attention that was sure to come with being in said relationship. If it came out that he was seeing someone the relationship would be frowned upon for many reasons and neither of them wanted to become outcasts, well more than they already were at any rate. No, he wanted to keep this secret for as long as he could.

The five of them settled down in their compartment for the long journey back to London. Harry couldn't stop thinking about what would be happening in exactly three weeks no matter how amusing Ron's jokes were. The redhead was just about to start telling another when a warm feeling started blossoming in Harry's chest and he looked up confused. Usually that feeling only happened when he was around-

"Professor Lupin?" Neville asked confused. Harry whipped his head around and there sure enough was Remus Lupin himself, Harry couldn't stop his wide smile as his former professor looked in on the group of Gryffindors. When the man turned to Harry a wide grin of his own split his face, he was obviously happy to see the boy who was so nearly a man.

"Harry, may I have a word?" he asked politely and in his usual soft voice. Harry had to supress a shiver at hearing his lover's low tone.

"Of course Remus, here or in private?" Harry had to ask the question although from the glint in the older man's eye he could see for himself the answer to it.

"In private if you don't mind." Harry could swear there was a low growl threatening to escape Remus. He nodded and looked at his friends.

"Sorry guys, I won't be long. Ron get something from the trolley if the lady comes, yeah?" Harry said and he left with the Werewolf.


Remus slid the lock in place with a small 'click' and turned back to Harry. The former professor could not get over how amazing the young man before him was. And Remus' senses were threatening to overwhelm him. His young lover looked and smelt amazing, and Remus was sure he tasted good too. Remus stepped forward so he was pressed right up against Harry. He bent his head low and captured his lips in a sweet kiss that he hoped would say for him how much he had missed the young man in their two weeks apart. They broke apart both panting for breath as the kiss had gotten a little more heated than it originally intended to be, Remus brushed up against his life-mate and he could feel and smell the arousal coming off of him. But Harry put his hands on the older man's chest and pushed back lightly.

"What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to pick me up for three weeks." He asked. Remus smiled a feral grin. He put both his hands on Harry's waist pulling him closer once again, he bent his head low but instead of going for his mouth he went to the boy's ear instead.

"I needed to see you." He whispered huskily before take the lobe between his teeth and nibbling lightly. Harry whimpered and he could feel Remus' hard erection pushing against his waist ready to burst from the confines of his trousers. Remus let go of Harry's ear and turned his tongue's attention to his young lover's neck. He bit down on the flesh, not hard enough for it to bleed but enough for it to leave a clear mark. Harry breathed in sharply when Remus bit him but then whimpered a little as Remus started lapping at the mark he had made. Harry pushed Remus off of him suddenly. Remus looked alarmed wondering if he had hurt Harry.

"Harry are you okay?" He asked concerned. Harry went to the mirror that was hanging over the sink. The possessive mark stood out a mile.

"Oh no, what am I going to tell them." He said supressing a sigh. In truth he actually like the marks that Remus left on him and the man's possessiveness over him, he assumed that was something to do with the wolf. He looked down seeing if there was any way to cover it up with his shirt but it wouldn't do anything to hide it. He looked up when he felt strong arms encircle his waist from behind and a clothed erection bumping up against his arse.

"I like leaving marks on you, it shows you're taken." And he bit lightly at the mating mark on the nape of Harry's neck that he had made last year.


Harry made it back to the compartment quickly after Remus apparated off the train and had promised the man that he would sneak out to try and meet him that evening after he got back to the Dursley's. He got there and took a final moment to fix his clothes that had got messed up during the time he spent in the bathroom. For a second he tried to do something with his hair which had ended up sticking up at all angles from Remus running his hands through it, but then he remembered that it was impossible to tame anyway so it didn't matter. He opened the compartment and smiled at his two friends that were in there. It looked as if the others had left because it was only Ron and Hermione who were in there. He sat down next to Ron and across from Hermione. They both gave him questioning looks that he tried to ignore. Instead he asked where Neville and Ginny had gone to.

"They went off to try and find Luna; they said they might bring her back." Hermione explained while Harry reached up to his small bag that he had brought with him and pulled out a jumper to put on. He took off his school jumper and put on the soft Gryffindor red jumper Remus had gotten him for last Christmas. Once he had sat down again with the muggle novel he also had in his bag he looked up to find his two friends staring at him with confused expressions.

"What?" he asked at them. Ron looked a little red and Hermione looked down. "What?" he asked again a little more forcefully. Hermione looked up and Ron stayed silent. Finally Hermione opened her mouth to speak.

"Harry, what are those marks on your neck?" she asked and she pointed to her own neck to indicate what she was talking about. Harry blushed and looked down. He thought that he would have been able to hide the marks Remus had made by putting on the jumper but it obviously hadn't worked. Harry continued to look down and didn't answer. Ron answered for him,

"Well he's obviously found a bloke." The redhead said and he clapped his best friend on the back. "Well done mate, at least one of us is getting some action" Harry still looked down and he could feel his face and neck heating up. If Remus had been there he would surly have been laughing at him and saying that he looked 'adorable'

"Is that true Harry?" Hermione asked in complete surprise but without a hint of disgust. Well obviously they would be okay with it; they had been ever since he had come out to them two years ago. But still he was a little embarrassed.

"I'm not saying anything." He mumbled. Ron put a hand on his shoulder and Harry looked up at his two oldest and dearest friends.

"You can tell us Harry, we won't make fun." Hermione said and she leaned forward in her seat, looking at Harry expectantly. Harry looked up again and thought that he might as well tell them, they would find out eventually anyway.

"Fine yes I am seeing someone, yes its serious and no I'm not telling you who it is." Then he sat back against the window, pulled his feet up into his chest and started reading again. He ignored them for the rest of the journey back to London.

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