Chapter Four: Worrying Answers.

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As soon as the door closed behind them Harry was bombarded by squeals and hugs. Hermione was the first there, tackling him in a fierce hug. Ron was next with a brotherly pat on the back, then the rest of the Weasleys followed, minus Arthur who was at the ministry. Harry received a large motherly hug from Molly, who was already expressing how thin he was and how her cooking would rectify that problem immediately. But there were two people missing, the two people who he had wanted to see most in the world weren't there. Remus and Sirius.
"Where' Sirius and Remus?" Harry asked hoping that he would actually get an answer this time. He expected his Godfather to be the first to try and kill him with one of his extra strong hugs. But the man was nowhere insight.
"I'm up here kiddo!" A voice called down from the floor above. Harry looked up and saw his Godfather leaning over the bannister looking down on them. "Why don't you come up here for a second all right?" He asked but he clearly meant for Harry to go up there anyway. Harry nodded and made his way through the assembled crowd.

He reached the top of the stairs and his Godfather led him into the Black family library. Last summer Harry had spent many hours in here just talking to Remus (Read: snogging Remus)
"Look Harry there's something I need to talk to you about." Sirius started, Harry noticed the man looked a little grim but it looked like he also had a light red tinge in his cheeks. He wondered what was coming. "I know."

Harry stared blankly at Sirius. From the look on the man's face it looked as if he was going to say more than just those two words. Than those two words hit him. What did his Godfather know??
"You know what?" He asked. Harry didn't have many secrets and his only major one was his relationship with... Remus. Oh Merlin! Did Sirius know?! A look of horror appeared on his face.
"I know about your relationship with Remus, Harry." Sirius stated and Harry thought he could see a flicker of hapiness in the older man's eyes but he wasn't sure. Then he realised his Godfather had carried on talking. "Don't bother trying to deny it. I was starting to think something was up and then Remus stayed with you the first night of the holidays and that confirmed my suspicions. When Remus got back, I asked him about it and he confessed everything." Harry could do nothing but stare. "Now listen he told me that you're his mate and that's ok. As long as you're happy Harry, that's all I want for you." Harry had expected shouting maybe his Godfather threatning to kill Remus for daring to touch him but not just acceptance. Then he realised that Sirius was waiting for him to reply.
"Yeah Sirius I am happy, I mean I love him and I'd do anything for him and I know he'd do the same for me." His Godfather smiled a small smile but Harry thought that there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"Where is he? He said he would pick me up with the team at the Dursley's but he wasn't there and he's not here." Sirius sat down on one of the dark green sofas and indicated for Harry to sit with him.
"Four days ago Dumbledore got some information from a source about a target we were looking for, he asked Remus to go check it out. He hasn't been seen or heard from since. I'm sorry Harry."

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