Not Bad

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I took a breath as I walked on my way to Anderson's house.

I didn't even have to ring the doorbell for him to come out.

"Hey," he grinned.

"Hi." I replied as I at my hot Cheetos.

"So, this is the night you're leaving." He looked at the bright yellow evening sky.

"Yeah, I guess." I stuffed a handful of hot Cheetos in my mouth as I craved water.

"I'll miss you, Bay. And don't do anything stupid. Like I did." He put his hands on my shoudlers.

"Ew, stop acting like that," I smirked.

"Like what?" He flipped up his arms.

"Like that!" I yelled. I didn't want to embarrass him, so I just laughed.

"Bye, Andy." I finished my chips and turned on my heel back to my house.


"Bay Alexis! You barely have anything ready! You're staying there for nearly three months and you only have four outfits contained!" My mom nagged.

"I can re-wear and cut, mom what does it even matter?" I rolled my eyes as I threw random articles of clothing into my suitcase, but my mom quickly re-folded them.

"What did I tell you about disrespect?" She narrowed her eyes down at me.

"You know, I'm just going to ask dad for something to buy in Maine." I stuffed my combat boots, sneakers, then stared at my skateboard.

"You are not bringing that thing," she took it where? I don't even know.

I rolled my eyes before she came back, holding nothing.

"I'll call you when you arrive." She gently placed my ragged laptop inside the zipped up the suitcase.

"Bye." I picked it up then walked down the stairs, then outside, then stuffed it into my trunk.

"Bye, Bay!"




I stared at the receipt and thought about whether to call this girl or not.

What if she and I were together and I had the perfect chance to be with Bay?

I wouldn't want to be lonely the whole summer.

I took a breath, then dialed the number.

"Hey, this is ice cream girl!" She beamed.

"Yeah, I know," I smirked.

"No need to be a smartass." She giggled.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes as I scooted my office chair to my desk.

"So, let's get to know each other. I'll go first. My full name is Dionne Hayden Georgia Celine Herman. Yeah, my parents are big on Celine Dion. That's how they met."

"That's a really nice name, and that's cool. My full name's Anderson Peter Cory. My sister, Sasha and I were adopted. Parents died when we were babies. But we treat our adoptive parents like biological ones, because they basically are." I explained.

There was a long silence.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. You're not the drunk idiot that caused the car crash," I bitterly stated.

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