Chapter 1

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“Yeah... I hate him to death! I swear! But how can I hate that sh*t if I really love him? He said I’m the only girl that he will love! But damn!”

“Girl, will you please state clearly if what happened? Don’t just whine and leave us clueless for what is happening..”

Yeah. You’ve heard it right.. it’s another day..

Another day, another problems to solve.. I’m Jalizer Wheng.. I’m still 17 years old.. but I started as the love guru when I was still 14. I want to help those dumped girls because I know how it hurts to be broken.. not that i experienced being one of them, but i  felt the pain of my mother when my father left her for another woman..

Since then, i cursed men to death !! it took 2 years for my mom to be healed totally..

The girl who talked recently is my bestfriend, Jodie Minya.

We are about to go to the library when we saw this crying girl who almost swim in her own tears.. *sigh* this is what they get when they love to much...

“Ok, what’s your name by the way?” i asked.


“What happened?”

“I have a boyfriend. We were about to celebrate our 2nd anniversary tomorrow. But i found out that he will also celebrate 3rd anniversary tomorrow.. and the worst, he will celebrate it with my bestfriend!!”



“Ouch! It hurts Jal!”

“You are acting so weird Jodie! Over Acting...”

What happened? I simply punch her stomach. Hehehe.. ^_^V

So brutal.


“I asked him to choose between me and my bestfriend.. but he chose her over me! Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!”

“Sh*t! That was awesome!!”

“Jodie *evil stare*”


“Ok, that guy! Look, you don’t have to cry all over again because of that guy.. it may hurt so bad but you have to move on... moving on is not easy when you wouldn’t try. Acceptance is very important. Accept the fact that you and your crazy boyfriend will never be together again. Look to the brighter side, it may seem cliche , but it’s not your loss, it’s his big f****n’ loss.Here are the rules:

1.    Look at yourself, you are so pretty and you’ve got all the imperfect perfections....

2.    Starting today, chin  up.. when you get to pass by the sluts, give your brightest smile and said “DID YOU ENJOY YOUR PRETTY LITTLE CELEBRATION?”

3.    Never cry infront of him. Coz if you do, you just proved that it’s your loss.

4.    No need to destroy his image coz he already did it by his self.

5.    Return to him all the things he gave to you. If he won’t accept it, burn it infront of him with a smile on your face.

6.    Don’t you dare slap him. It doesn’t serve him right, KICK him on his “weak point” THAT-SERVES-HIM-RIGHT.

7.    Don’t be an emo when you hear a senti music. Turn on rock music and shout to the top of your lungs.

8.    Don’t eat chocolates. Duh? It’s too cliche to eat chocolates. Go for heavy meals! Who cares if you eat a lot.. you won’t get fat at all if you still do excercise.

9.    Go with your friends. Laugh. Smile. annoyed. Be at yourself when your with your friends. It’s your home court.


“Now, do you get it?” i asked her..

“Yep. Tsk... i will get over that guy! I swear!” she answered.

I stood up, gave her my handkerchief and walked out .

“Wait Jalizer! Wait for me... ugh!”



Tsk. So clumsy. She fell off the ground again.

“Stand up, you are so clumsy! Will you watch your steps next time Jodie?!” i said while trying to help her to get up.

“Yeah right. Well, by the way..that was really painful for the girl right?”

“That’s the game of life Jodie. If you won’t fight, you’ll get hurt.”

“Haayyy.. deep as ever.. i wonder when would i see you smiling again?”

“Never Jodie. I was born to solve the problems of others about love and not to smile all the way while others were suffering from pain caused by damn guys.”

Yep. I am bitter. I’ve been like this eversince i was 14. I never felt being a human. For 3 years, i’ve never laughed. I never cried. All that i am is a girl who walks straight. I have these cold eyes. I only talk to the victims and to my bestfriend.

“Hurry. We’ll be late for the next subject.” I said.


At the lobby.....

As usual, i can see those guys who were flirting over girls. Yes, guys here are flirts while girls are seductive, except me and Jodie.

“Hey Jalizer... wanna go out with me later tonight? *wink*”


“Owwwwwwww” i heard the crowd said in chorus.

Serves him right.

“wow Jal! That was epic! Wahaha.. latest news A GUY RECEIVES FLYING KICK”

“Shut up Jodie. Wanna try?!”

“Nope. Hihihi ^_^V”

We continued walking. I was about to take another step when a guy blocked my way. I looked up and stared at him, coldly.

Chriel’s Pov

Heya! I’m Chriel Mosh Guzman. Chriel for short. I am about to enter our classroom when i saw her coming. Jalizer Wheng. She’s known as the love guru here in our university. She’s my crush eversince but I don’t have the courage to go near her. So, i played with girls and i hope that those girls were crying over for me and they will let Jalizer know and with that way, she can recognize my existence. Haayyy.. how i wish we can be togetherL

I like her, a lot. When she’s about to take another step, i gained all the courage to block her.

When i already blocked her way... she looked up.. and for the first time, i met her eyes...

Her eyes were beautiful but, COLD.

By looking into her eyes, i can feel the pain and hatred that her soul feels.

For about a minute, i was left dumb-founded. Mesmerized. Hypnotized.

She raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse us before she gets angry. I swear you’ll regret it.” Her friend whispered. But instead of listening to her, i took a deep breath and smiled at Jalizer.

“Hi! I’m Chriel. Can you be my friend?”


“Oucchhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sh*t! Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I was knocked down by a girl! Tsk. Ouch! She’s unbelievable!

Jalizer’s pov

“Hi! I’m Chriel. Can you be my friend?”

Chriel ha.. i bet this is the guy who broke and played many girls’ hearts.

No choice.


I kicked his weakest point.

So annoying. Tsk.

The Guru gets brokenWhere stories live. Discover now