Reluctant Reunion

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The drive was amazing in this weather since snow had fallen last night, leaving the fields and forests we drove past a beautiful winter wonderland.

We stoped at a café to get everyone something hot to drink and some food, and I spoted Blake, the head hunter, in his gear like me.

We talked about how we would train their wolves, me explaining the way they used to be trained since I used to be apart of it.

I had heard last night that the head tracker who had trained me had retired to raise her pups a few month ago, alerting me that I had more nieces and, hopefully, nephews other then the little girl who should be six by now since the retired tracker is my brother's mate.

This also explained why the pack was out of shape.

[Time to go.] Dom mind linked everyone and I grabbed another hot chocolate supreme before getting into my mustang with Dom.

An hour passed and we finally reached their territory, driving another hour till we got to the guest house.

We were early by thirty minutes with the rout I had led us through, so that gave us time to claim our rooms.
Me, Blake, Dom and Syde claimed the only four rooms on the third floor, the others claiming the rest. Since some were mates to each other, they bunked together and we had about ten rooms free.

We all got settled in and I checked the food that was provided, taking the time to look at the dates. Everything was fine.

[Training in ten, meet out back for some sparing.] I mind link the pack, grabbing a protein bar and heading outside.

Everyone was there within five and I led them through some stretches, we were about to spar when the crunch of snow alerted us to new arrivals.

"Stand." I signaled, everyone standing at attention as one.

"It can't be, mom?" Its been years since I heard her voice, the same voice who had made my life a nightmare. I knew she was behind me and the wind was in my favour as I picked up Mia, Zack, Blue and Leo's scents.

I smiled as sweetly as I could, feeling Dom, Syde and Blake go tense.

"Hello sis, its been a while." I emphasised the word sis as I looked at everyone, Dom smirking beside me and steping forward.

"High, I'm Alpha Dominic, this is my Beta Syde, my Head hunter Blake and you already know my Head Traker and pack trainer Amberle. She will be in charge of training your wolves and teaching them how to dispatch the soulless swiftly." Their eyes went wide as they stared at me and I smirked.
Who was the slave now.

I looked at Blue and caught the parental pride in his eyes, expecting him to step forward to introduce himself as Alpha.

"I'm Alpha Leo, nice to meet you. This is my Beta Zack, my Head Tracker Mia and Head Hunter Blue, he is also my father and previous alpha." Leo says as he hands a folder to Dom, the paper work that was faxed over last night. I raised my brow at Blue and he smirked as if to say he would explain later while Dom handed me the folder and I read the contract that I made, smiling when I saw his signature.

My attention went back to Leo, who stoped looking at Dom and was looking at me.

As if sensing my discomfort, Dom wrapped me in a hug and rested his head on mine.

"Well if you guys don't mind, Fire said she would treat my pack to her famouse cheese cake, so we will see you all at the bonfire tonight. Ready to head inside Fire?"

"Yes, and you're not eating any of the chocolate Ice." I say laughing, hearing the low jealous growl from Leo.

"Kay guys, get inside and warm up, cake will be done within an hour." My pack hooted and cheered, glad to get out of training and get to eat cheese cake. They were hopeless and amazing, but mostly they were my family.

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