Wedding Bells and Happily Ever After

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I take a look at myself in the mirror, smiling at my protruding stomach, that was bigger then most people at my stage of pregnancy, and placing a protective hand over it.

The September sun seeps into the room, making me smile at how the light and my pregnant glow make me look ethreal.

Today was my day.

A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughs and I turn to see Zack and blue walk into the room, their faces filled with awe.

"Amber you look beautiful." Blue states, Zack looking like he was holding back tears.

"Zack?" I question gently.

"I wish mom and dad were here to look at you." He says, crossing the room and hugging me, careful not to ruin my wedding dress, hair and make up.

"Is that moms wedding set?" He questions, pulling back to look at the saphire and white gold jewelry set that included chandelier earings, two cuffs on my wrists and a delicate chain with a teardrop shaped pendant, it matched my ring perfectly and the night that Dom had proposed to me, I had given him an antique ring that had been in my family for a few hundred years, the rings matching when we had looked at our hands side by side.

"Yes. I have all of their stuff." I say, finally answering his question.

"I'm glad. I never wanted to burn the house down, that was-"

"I know." I say.

Over the past eight and a half months we had gotten closer and he had told me everything that he was force to do because of Mia.

But now was not the time to talk about her and the past and I guess he figured it out.

"Well, if we don't leave now you will be late for your wedding. " Blue says, breaking the silence.

"And I brought the veil you asked for." He adds, taking out my mothers veil and helping me put it on carefully.

The two help me down the stairs and into the limo, my flowers now resting in my lap as best as possible with my pregnant body.

The theme was simple, fire and ice, matching mine and Dom's wolves and our nicknames.

The limo drove to the church we had chosen, the door opening and Zack and Blue coming to help me.

The perks of being pregnant was the way I glowed, the down side was when I became so big that it was hard for me to get up and down and in and out of cars.

"Can't wait for the twins to be born so that I can do normal stuff again." I joke, smiling as me and the two men walk into the church.

I had decided to let both of them give me away and as we walk down the isle towards my mate, I couldn't help but tear up.

The preacher starts the typical marriage speach and I zone out.

"Who gives this woman away?"

"We do." Blue and Zack say together, steping back so that I could place my hand in Dom's hand.

The preacher continues and we say our vows, the I do and finally, my favourite part.

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride." The preacher finnaly says and I feel Dom lean in and pull me into a passionate kiss, the crowd once again cheering and hooting.

"Save it for the bed room!" Concra yells out, causing me to pull aalway and laugh.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Mister and Misses Dominic and Amberle DeValorse." The crowed cheered once again and we made our way down the isle, to the limo and back to the pack house where we partied.

We were just settling into bed when a pain made me gasp and clutch the head board.

"Whats wrong?" Dom's voice was laced with worry and I just stared at him.

"Get the pack doctor up and get the car and bags." I say with a slight whimper.


"The babies are freaken coming!" I almost yell.

The drive was short and I was rushed inside and into a wheel chair where the doctor and his nurses wheeled me to the hospital wing with Dom beside me.

I was in labour for two days before I finally gave birth to the twin, Saphira and Esmerald DeValorse both healthy and both crying because of the cold air.

The room I was in was comfy and when I finally was able to go home, Abby and Avery had come over every day until I was able to move normally to help clean and cook.

Even my nieces and nephew helped with some of the chores when they weren't at school or training with the Head Trainer for pups, Scar, who made games to help enhance their abilities and prepare them for when they shifted.

My pack was strong and with the two new little alphas that I watched over each night with my husband by my side as they fall asleep, I know that my pack would be stronger in the end.

The Rejection On The Full Moon [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now