God Damn! God Damn!

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"What- Really?" Benedict asked, his face shocked. I opened my mouth to explain that, 'Hey! You had a problem with Cumberbitches!' but he interrupted me saying, "Nevermind..."

I let the matter be. One, because I knew this wasn't an intelligent topic to debate on and Two, Bruno was sitting next to me- not Andrew. In fact, all of them had exchanged places. Andrew was now sitting behind me and Glenn was sitting between him and Benedict. Rather you can say, sleeping between- or rather on Andrew. He looked adorable. "Aww." I mused. Ben gave me a look and closed his eyes.

"Drama queens." I muttered and looked at Bruno as I entered the deserted highway. "Now don't you go and sleep. Keep me some company."

"Nah. Don't worry." Bruno grinned.

For about an hour, I drove patiently on the deserted highway, speeding only a little as I knew that speeding on the highways was kinda allowed, till you start being reckless and two, no one- absolutely no one was near us. 

But then I lost patience and eventually started muttering, "Bored bored bored bored bored..." as Bruno sat beside, his hand resting on the window which was down, acting all heroic in a shitty SUV. I gave him a look.

"Hey, Mr. Hero. I'm bored. Let's talk."

"About?" I hate it when people act mature than me. He was acting very understanding of  my situation, and I was for between being thankful for the gesture and telling him off for acting like that.

" Anything..." I said.

" If you are so bored, why don't we sing?" He said. Damn.

"Ok... Start with any song you like." I said, and he started humming a tune. At first, I couldn't place it... But soon enough I realized it was Uptown Funk and I started singing along.

We started out with low voices, but then we realized that however loud we were, the others weren't going to get up. So we ended up yelling. At least I was. Soon enough I realized that Bruno had fallen asleep.

On one side, I wanted to wake him up and give him a speech on empathy and promises. But on the other hand, that meant I would have to stop singing and well, he had, kind of stayed up- As much as he could, obviously.

So I let it be, and while singing 'I Knew You're Trouble' uncontrollably, I started Spotify and played my playlist [sadly, I had to play it on shuffle., because my Asian, saving-promoting mindset, decided against paying for the premium.]

And the BEST.SONG.EVER. came up.

No, not One Direction's Best Song Ever. Even if that's one of the best songs by the One Direction guys.

This song was...


***FLAWLESS by Beyoncé!!

I started singing with the her, as the lyrics started.

"I'm out that H-town coming coming down

I'm coming down, drippin' candy on the ground
H, H-Town, Town, I'm coming down
Coming, coming down, dripping candy on the g

I tried my best child-like voice... well, who cares, no one was listening....

"I know when you were little girls
You dreamt of being in my world
Don't forget it, don't forget it
Respect that, bow down bitches (Crown!)
I took some time to live my life
But don't think I'm just his little wife
Don't get it twisted, get it twisted
This my shit, bow down bitches
Bow down bitches, bow bow down bitches (Crown)
Bow down bitches, bow bow down bitches (Crown)
H-Town vicious
H, H-Town vicious
I'm so crown crown, bow down bitches

I'm out that H, town, coming coming down
I'm coming down, drippin' candy on the ground

H, H-town town
I'm coming down
Coming, coming down
Drippin' candy on the ground"

I tried my best to mimic the upcoming lady's voice...

"We teach girls to shrink themselves
To make themselves smaller
We say to girls,
"You can have ambition
But not too much
You should aim to be successful
But not too successful
Otherwise you will threaten the man."
Because I am female
I am expected to aspire to marriage
I am expected to make my life choices
Always keeping in mind that
Marriage is the most important
Now marriage can be a source of
Joy and love and mutual support
But why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage
And we don't teach boys the same?
We raise girls to see each other as competitors
Not for jobs or for accomplishments
Which I think can be a good thing
But for the attention of men
We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings
In the way that boys are
Feminist: the person who believes in the social
Political, and economic equality of the sexes"

By now, it was eight o'clock- more or less, and I was getting hungry, so I lowered my window. But the gushing wind gave me an energy to go on yelling, as I kept an eye out for any restaurants.

"You wake up, flawless
Post up, flawless
Ridin' round in it, flawless
Flossin' on that, flawless
This diamond, flawless
My diamond, flawless
This rock, flawless
My rock, flawless
I woke up like this
I woke up like this
We flawless, ladies tell 'em
I woke up like this
I woke up like this
We flawless, ladies tell 'em
Say I look so good tonight
God damn, God damn
Say I look so good tonight
God damn, God damn, God damn

Momma taught me good home training
My Daddy taught me how to love my haters
My sister told me I should speak my mind
My man made me feel so God damn fine, I'm flawless!

You wake up, flawless
Post up, flawless
Riding round in it, flawless
Flossing on that, flawless
This diamond, flawless
My diamond, flawless
This rock, flawless
My rock, flawless
I woke up like this
I woke up like this
We flawless, ladies tell 'em
I woke up like this
I woke up like this
We flawless, ladies tell 'em
Say I look so good tonight
God damn, God damn
Say I look so good tonight



I peered behind to see Glenn, Andrew and Benedict look at me with various looks. 

Benedict looked as if he had been shaken out of sleep, Glenn looked a little pissed off and groggy while Andrew just looked like a confused, just-awoken baby, his eyes still contracting as the car lights shone. That was probably the only modern thing about my car. It could light up from the inside, so people could actually see each other and talk. But they weren't quite as harsh as making it hard for the driver to see. Bruno, on the other hand was trying to figure out who had yelled just like me.

"Watch it!" Shouted Bruno, as he twisted my hands to turn the steering wheel. Had it not been him, we would have ended up, crashed into the metallic rails at the sides of the road. Seeing no soul for two or more hours, I was convinced that we wouldn't end up in an accident, so I pulled over. I was genuinely concerned. I thought one of them had hurt himself.

"You guys, alright? Is everything alright?" I asked, turning in my seat so as to face all four of them.

"Yes- why did you pull over? Is that even legal?" Glenn bombarded me with questions. Well not actually. There were just two of them, but a little hyperbole doesn't hurt, does it?

"Okay, relax. I pulled over because some one yelled. Now, I was concerned enough to not go on, before I knew everyone was alright. And it's not. Pulling over in the middle of a highway is not legal. But in cases of emergencies, it's allowed. Plus, who's going to arrest us in the middle of nowhere?" I explained. "Okay, now who yelled? Pray, tell."

"I did."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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