Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I quickly sat in my desk, just before the bell rang. I let out a sigh of relief. That was close. "Good morning, class," Mr. Wilson greeted the classroom. "Morning," everyone mumbled, obviously not liking the idea of returning to school. "Welcome back to school, now, today-" he started, but was interrupted by the door opening and closing. Everyone faced towards the doorway in curiosity to whom entered, including me. My breath was knocked out of me. It was a girl, my age, about 5'4, with beautiful brown wavy hair cascading down her back. She was wearing an oversized blue sweater with black jeggings and knee-high brown boots. On any other girl, it would look okay, but she made it look as if she were a model. I couldn't tear my eyes off of her, she was breathtaking.

A voice tore me from my thoughts. "It's alright Ms. Letterman, i'm sure we've all been tardy before... Uh you can sit by Mr. Tomlinson," the teacher said to her, pointing at me. She followed his arm to end up face to face with me. I gulped. This didn't exactly help my situation at the moment. Her piercing blue eyes were gorgeous, I could stare into them all day. And don't get me started on her plump pink lips that were slightly parted. She turned towards Mr. Wilson and nodded with a smile, showing her perfect white teeth.

She walked over to me and sat down, sending me a small smile. I nearly melted. Even a single small smile from her would kill me. "Hi, i'm Shyanne," she whispered to me. Shyanne. Even her name is beautiful. I wonder if I somehow bumped into Harry and the boys before coming here and they killed me. It seems like i'm face to face with an angel. "H-hi, I'm Louis," I breathed, nervously pushing up my glasses. She sent me a small smile before pulling out her pencils and stuff.

I couldn't help but watch her, as her petite fingers wrapped around the journal, then placing it on her desk whilst allowing it to slip from her fingers. "Now, today's assignment is on World War II...," the teachers voice droned on monotonously. "Psst!" A voice from behind me whispered harshly. My eyebrows furrowed as I turned to be face to face with Zayn, one of Harry's mates. "Stop drooling over her, loser," he hissed, thwaping me in the head. I snorted in pain, my hand touching the back of my head carefully.

He snickered, along with the person sitting next to him, at my pain. "Ouch..." I muttered to myself. I'll defiantly have to check on my side and my head when I get home. "It's not like she'd take any interest in you whatsoever anyway," Zayn laughed cruelly. I looked down at my desk, knowing he was right. What beautiful girl in their right mind would want to go out with me? "...I shall pass out these papers, they are due tomorrow, right as you step foot in this room! If there are any late papers, you will get detention," Mr. Wilson announced. The class groaned. "I know, I am well aware that this is only the first day of school, but I believe it'd be better off if you guys don't get used to the easy way whilst we're starting to get more difficult on you." The bell suddenly ringed loudly, causing me to quickly cover my ears as my eyes squeezed shut.

"Remember everyone, due tomorrow! You best not forget," the teacher reminded everyone as they scurried to get out of first class. I quickly got up, gathering my things and placing them neatly in my arms. Just as I was fixing to leave, Mr. Wilson stopped me. "Mr. Tomlinson, may I have a word with you?" He asked. I silently sighed before plastering a smile on my face and turning around to face him. "Yes, Mr. Wilson?" "I would like for you to show Ms. Letterman to each of her classes, since you have every class with her except for two. But you can just show her to those before heading off to yours," he started, my eyes widening.

Oh lordie, please no. I'd surely make a complete fool out of myself! I can already imagine the endless stuttering and staring. She'd probably laugh at me and tell everyone about how i'm so nerdy, even though they all know that.. Mr. Wilson continued to speak. "You're a nice boy... And- uh i'm sure you wouldn't try anything," he awkwardly patted me on the shoulder. I nervously laughed and nodded.

"So, it starts right now, you'd best hurry and find her before she gets lost. Here's the paper with her schedule," he said, handing me the paper. My eyes widened yet again. Right now? Dearie, I better hurry. I nodded again and quickly shuffled out of the room, looking for Shyanne. I saw a glimpse of brown wavy hair. That must be her! I quickly ran in that direction, only to find Harry walking up to her. I stayed frozen in my spot. Nope. Looks like she's gonna have to find her class on her own, I am NOT going near that group. At least, not today.

I turned around, about to leave when I realized how much trouble i'd be in if Mr. Wilson found out that I didn't show Shyanne to her classes. I started to look around, finding Mark. Oh, he was on my old chess team when I was fourteen, I remember him! I tapped on his shoulder lightly, getting his attention. He turned around with his eyebrows raised. "Ah, Louis. Long time, no see," he mused. I smiled politely and quickly got to the point. I honestly don't have the time to talk, class is about to start.

"Hey, Mark, could you please show, uh, that new girl, Shyanne, where her classes are? Here's the paper, thanks," I said to him, shoving the paper in his hands before hurrying off. I smiled at my success. Now I won't have to deal with the group today.


Right as the bell rang, I quickly jumped out of my seat. That class was REALLY boring. I mean, honestly, I'd rather watch paint dry on a wall. I gathered my stuff and scurried out of the class room. A ton of kids were eager to get out, too, I see because they're pushing and pulling me in every direction. Somebody even pinched my butt. My eyes widened and I turned around to see a boy with a dark quiff and hazel eyes grinning at me. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. Pervert.

I tried to find my way to class when I realized, I don't know where my class is.... I have to go to my locker and try to find my schedule. I quickly jog up to my gold locker, biting my lip in concentration as i put my combination in. I successfully open it and start to dig around in my locker to find it. I have an odd feeling someone is staring at my butt.... I quickly shake it off and continue looking. Where was it??

I gasped as somebody slammed my locker shut. Luckily, I had just pulled my arms out in time so they weren't smashed to smithereens. I sighed in relief before turning to see who had slammed my locker shut. When I turned around, nobody was there. My eyebrows furrowed. That's odd.... I'm about to re-open my locker when I feel hot breath next to my ear.

"Hey, babe," a husky voice whispers, as two pairs of strong arms wrap around my waist. My eyes widen and I try to squirm out of their grip, but they're too strong. A chuckle rumbles from their chest as they turn me around to face a whole group. The boy who had pinched me in the bum earlier was in the group as well, smirking at me while looking me over. The guy who had his arms wrapped around me let go and walking into my view.

He had chocolate locks and sparkling green eyes. He was currently smirking, causing a dimple to pop from his cheek. A blush creeped onto my cheeks as he took his lip between his teeth and looked me up and down, sort of like the boy with the quiff did. Another guy in their group whistled, making my cheeks even more red than before. This is extremely awkward and I have no idea what's going on.

"What's your name, love?" quiff asked me. "Uhm.. S-shyanne.. " I stuttered nervously. All I wanted was to grab my schedule and go. "Mm, beautiful name for a beautiful girl," curls hummed. "I'm, Harry." "And i'm Zayn," quiff spoke again. I curtly nodded, not really knowing what else to do. I'm guessing they're the leaders of their little group? Harry took a step- er, stride- towards me, our foreheads touching. He peered into my eyes intently. "What are you doing on Friday night?"

"Uhhh- I don't, erm, know yet," I told him, not exactly eager to go out with him. He kind of scares me. He smirked. "I'll pick you up at 7. Be ready." I guess I don't exactly have a choice. He kissed the corner of my mouth before walking off with the rest of the group. Zayn of course made sure to wink at me before walking away.

I felt a tender tap on my shoulder, snapping me out of my trance. "Uh- excuse me, miss. H-here's your schedule..."

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