Lily vs. Boredom and flat chested hero

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Me:Hey guys Whats new?

Maou:Oh nothing mu..

Me:Not you the readers!

Maou:Ohhh I see how it is....* pouts in emo corner *

Me:Sorry gotta go coax 'em outta his corner see ya!


Ivy POV:

                     It had been almost two months since we've arrived in Tokyo. And guess what? IM STILL A LITTLE KID!!!! It sucks I cant even go out of the apartment without Maou or Ashya. Which by the way is supper boring ! When Maou is at work and Ashya is looking for jobs I'm stuck in this shitty apartment all by myself with nothing to do but stare at a wall. Much like today, which so far I've spent looking for Ashya's secret stash of money. I searched the covered first, and then the closet, the bathroom, book case, ect. But with no luck. I fell on my back with a huge sigh and just starred at the ceiling in self pity. I was still on my back looking around when I saw something.....a cabinet above the stove! Of coarse that's where the tall ass house wife would put the money. I cant reach it! I brought the dinning table over to the stove and stood on it on my tip toes in a vain attempt to reach what I desired. But it was fruitless , for I merely ended up falling on my butt and getting a bruised arm. Man this body sucks. I looked like a eight year old. A short one at that. I sat up and rubbed my sore butt while sending a deadly glare at the table. Yeah I know its stupid to blame such a thing on an inanimate object ......but hey I'm having a really shitty day so who cares? I again let out a sigh and started to think. What could I do I was to short to reach the covered! Well what would I do back home. A) be able to reach it with my tall body B)Get an underling to get it or C) Fly up with my wings D) do something stupid and eventually get it.....I guess I'll go with option D.....hehe Lily not the time for inappropriate second rate jokes!

I stared at the cupboard in deep thought then a stupid plan came to mind and I went for it! I stood on my tip toes on the table again but this time I jumped up and hung from the dish dryer.....I so smart derp! Ok moment of stupidity and grammar mistakes aside I hung onto the metalic dryer with one hand and reached the other towards the cabinet.I  finally opened it and inside was at least 45,500 yen ($450) I grabbed 15,168 yen ($150) and then my hand slipped causing me to fall on my butt again and get even more bruised up. I whimpered, if I havent said it enough already, I'll say it again. THIS BODY SUCKS! Anyway on with my day.

       I put my white converse on and headed out the door. I had on a red zip up hoodie and a gray muscle shirt with a pare of dark blue jeans . I had to admit I looked pretty damn cute! I started my journey into town with eyes filled with joy, heart filled with courage, and a stomach full of pocky!


Time skip brought to you by Yuri's laziness!!!!!!!!

                It had been two hours since I had ventured out into the city and I had already bought quite a few things with Ash-I mean my  money.............ok anyway It was now around four and I was starving! I had not eaten since nine thirty and even then it was only some chocolate pocky. I would go back to the apartment but Ashya is probably already there and I don't feel like getting yelled at and lectured for leaving. So I decided to walk into the closest store I could find. With out reading the sign I walked in and was soon regretting my decision. For I had accidentally walked  into Mgronalds......................where my brother great job Lily great job. I was about to make a run for it when he spotted me. His eyes immediately narrowed and he summoned me with his index finger. I let out another sigh and trudged over to the counter cursing myself for my stupidity. Once I reached the counter I leaned on my elbow and played the innocent card.

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