Chapter One

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I never knew you could love someone with every breath you take. My whole being was overwhelmed with love for my nerdy neighbor, Dr. Spencer Reid. It all started when I moved into the apartment three doors down from Spencer. We ran into each other one day. We were both in a hurry and I pick up one of Spencer's books by mistake, and he picks up my new yet to be released murder mystery. I am going to tell you our love story.

Damn it I mumbled under my breath. I stayed up late last night writing and I overslept. I am late to my meeting with my editor about promoting my newest book due to be released next month. I am trying to juggle my laptop, my purse, and some books I need to return to the library downtown along with my travel mug of coffee and a copy of my manuscript. I close my door making sure it's locked as my phone starts ringing. I am digging for my phone when all of a sudden it feels like I have run into a brick wall. I drop everything including my coffee which thankfully doesn't spill everywhere.

I am so sorry I apologize realizing I ran into someone. I am so late and I wasn't watching where I was going.

No it is my fault I overslept and my boss is going to kill me.

I am thirty minutes late to a meeting with my editor. She is going to be so pissed. I am always late. Thank God I didn't spill coffee all over you. I have a cab waiting your welcome to share.

I usually take the train, but thank you for the offer.

I finally look up as I take the books I am handed, and my heart skips a beat. I ran into my sexy neighbor. I have seen him around several times. Nerdy guys or smart guys rather have always been a turn on for me. This man is so sexily awkward.

Thanks I say feeling my face heating up as our hands brush. After my sexy neighbor hands me my coffee I head downstairs to the waiting cab. At this point I am over thirty minutes late and my phone is broke. Yep Tabby is going to be so pissed.

It took me almost a week to realize I have a book that doesn't belong to me and my manuscript is missing. Only one place that it could be, my sexy neighbor has my manuscript. Tabby is going to kill me if it gets out before the release date. Only thing to do is man up and go get my manuscript back and return his book. I look down at what I am wearing, yoga pants and a t-shirt that hangs off one shoulder showing my hot pink sports bra. I was supposed to go to the gym today but got side-tracked with my newest character. I decide I am presentable enough so I grab the book and head out my door and three doors down.

Taking a deep breath I knock on the door, I am almost ready to give up when I hear movement and the door opens revealing a shirtless nerd with a pair of pajama pants and dripping hair.

Can I help you he asked after a few minutes of me staring?

Sorry I found this in my stuff. I thought it might belong to you from the other day, and I am missing my manuscript. It was in a manila folder otherwise I am in big trouble.

I don't have it here, but the files I had that day are at work. Actually my boss has them now.

If you could get it back to me as quick as possible I would really appreciate it.

I can try to find it tomorrow.

Sounds good how about we meet tomorrow at two o'clock at Jitters for coffee and you can bring it to me then?

Sounds really good he stuttered. My name's Dr. Spencer Reid.

Nice to meet you Dr. Spencer Reid. My name's Kendrick Foster or I prefer Kenny.

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