The Mission

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I grit my teeth in pain.

"Please.. stop.." I whisper.

He says nothing. He only smiles.

He hits me again. The chains pull at my already cut wrists.

He is gone for a few moments, but does not come back empty handed.

He throws a boy and a girl to the floor, both bound and in tears.

"Choose who lives."

I stare at him in disgust. 

"I can't..." I can barely breathe.

The boy begs me to save the girl through his eyes. His love. My Choice.


My eyes burn, but I just stare. I can't play his game.

"Okay then.." He says in a childish tone that chills me to the bone.

He picks up the female.

He slits her throat.

I can't scream. But the boy does. 

He picks up the boy.

"What a shame.."

He throws the boy to the ground. Right in front of my blood stained feet.

The boy makes eye contact one last time.

Then he slams his foot into the boy's head. 

The blood goes everywhere.

I see it on my legs. On my ragged clothes. In my hair.

On my hands.

I scream till I pass out.

The Caitlin Snow I was before is dead. And he killed her. 


One Month Ago


First snow of the year. The drive to S.T.A.R. Labs was a beautiful one. The snow was falling, Christmas lights were up, and everything looked so peaceful.

It's amazing how your world can change so fast.

We have word of another meta-human, one who has super strength. They say he can punch through anything, but he hasn't met The Flash yet.

By the time I enter the room, Barry and Cisco are already discussing tactics.

"We need some way of restraining him, and it would have to be strong enough to keep him from breaking out."

"Can't  we just put him in the accelerator cell?" Barry says.

Cisco looks defeated. 

"Yeah I guess that would work, only if you wanted to take the boring way out." Cisco jokes.

Barry rolls his eyes. "But sometimes boring is nice."

"And that is why you are single, my friend."

"And your'e not?" 

"That's beside the point-"

"Oh is that right?"

"But have you two figured out how were going to actually defeat this meta?" I interject.

Cisco looks at Barry. "Oh um, well, yeah. Yeah we have."

"And what might that be Barry?"

"It would um.. be.. catching him. With help from my speed. And maybe a net, do you think a net would work Cisco?"

"Yeah, yeah a net would totally work!"

I roll my eyes. "Maybe a reinforced meta-proof net would work. Something that could neutralize the effects of the particle accelerator?" 

"Oh yeah, I like your thinking Caitlin. I'll get working on that right away, but I would need some of his DNA to create his personalized, hand made, net."

"Caitlin and I can track him down and get a sample." Barry says confidently.

"Okay, I'll at least start working on the basics." Cisco leaves the room.

I sit down at my computer. "Do we even know this meta's name?" 

"No.." Barry says. "But we do have a photo, thank you twitter."

"Okay I'll start a facial recognition off of CCPD's database."

After a few minutes we get a match.

"Hunter Zolomon" I whisper to myself.

"Can you pull up an adress?"

"No adress" I say, "But there is a car shop where the report says he frequents."

I give Barry the address and he returns with a DNA sample in less than 10 seconds.

"I think I got it."

"Alright, I'll go give it to Cisco."

I walk over to Cisco's private work room.

"Here ya go."

"Barry sure does act fast" Cisco say in bewilderment.

"Yeah, now how long do you think it'll take you to finish building the net?"

"Not very long, I should have it finished by tonight."

"Oh thats great"

"Yeah, and I think I have a plan to capture him."


"So Barry is gonna be the bait, he will keep Iron Fist-"

"Iron Fist? Don't you have a better name?"

"Er-no.. Anyway.. You will need to be there."

"What! Why do I need to physically be there?"

"Because someone needs to fire the net, and that someone can't be Barry because he will be playing cat and mouse with our meta."

"Okay, so why can't you be there, Cisco?"

"Because I need to watch the levels on the net. We don't know what makes him so strong, he might be able to break free of it somehow. So I will have to keep a watch on my monitor and you will have to fire the gun."

"Okay, ugh I'm just worried that I'll screw it up.."

Cisco lays a hand on my shoulder.

"You. Will. Do. Just. Fine. I've even got a badass costume for you."

"Why do you have a costume for me? Im not even a superhero."

"Because you need something to blend into the night with. Also because it makes our team look cooler to have a girl dressed in black leather holding a gun."

I laugh at Cisco's unbearably true logic.

"Okay I guess that makes sense."

"Awesome. I'll tell Barry our plan. You need to go try out your costume."

I open the closet where he hid the costume from me. When it on it fits perfectly. Maybe I was made for this kind of life. I guess we'll just have to find out tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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