1: condoms & candy crush

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The graveyard shift always proved to be the most uneventful time of my life. The local supermarket rarely had any customers after midnight, so it was pretty easy money. I was currently sitting in a trolley with my legs dangling over the side trying to advance my level in Candy Crush.

I barely glanced up from my brightly lit phone when the bell signalled customers. I had heard this pack of boys in the parking lot. I assumed they were high and getting food for their munchies. That seemed to be the majority of my customers tonight.

I figured I had about 15 minutes before I had to get out of this runaway trolley and behind the counter. There were a flurry of words consisting of 'hey' or 'hi' as the pack of boys walked past me.

Once again I didn't look up or return the greetings, I merely waved my hand over my head dismissively. However, I didn't get out of talking to the customer as I thought when someone cleared their throat.

"What?" I asked, still entranced in Candy Crush.

"Where are the condoms?" Was the mumbled, flurry of words I received.

"Aisle 7." I replied automatically. I heard the customer walk off, mumbling a quick thanks as I tried not to laugh.

Roughly 13 minutes later I heard someone coughing. I figured it was time to close down Candy Crush and do something slightly productive. I jumped out of the trolley and strolled over to the register, surprised to see Luke Hemmings with a basket full of stuff.

"Luke?" I tilted my head as I moved passed him to get behind the counter. I had gone to primary school with him, but that had been a long time ago. "It's me, Astra." I added in case he didn't recognize me.

"Hey." He grinned as his eyes raked up and down my face. He probably hadn't recognised me at the start, but I wasn't surprised. I didn't really keep in touch with anyone from Primary School. "I didn't know you worked here."

"Graveyard shifts." I explained with a cringe. "You won't see me during the daylight."

I placed my hand in the basket and picked up the first item, which happened to be a bright blue packet of condoms. Hello, Mystery Customer, I thought amusedly. I delicately raised my eyebrow but refrained from commenting on the array of condom packets in Luke's basket. I felt like it would just be more awkward if I made a remark and knowing me it'd be an attempted joke that'd backfire.

I could hear all his friends laughing as they nudged and pushed Luke around. They were all cracking jokes, but I only recognised one of the guys, Josh Schumer. He went to primary school with Luke and I, then high school with me. He was also in a group of friends that occasionally partied with mine, so we had seen each other more regularly than I had seen Luke.

"Hey Astra." He nodded in acknowledgement. I could tell by his pursed lips that he was having a tough time holding back his laughter. "You going to Gab's on Saturday?

"Josh," I smiled. "I was thinking about it. Are you?" I asked as I grabbed the first packet of condoms and scanned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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