Chapter 2

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-Kristen's Pov-

"Oh my god!! Kris I'm so excited!" We found out a couple days ago that we were in the top five and we were going to be heading to London,England for this famous band.

"I am too!! Hey,we better pack. We have just a few hours until we have to be at the airport."

"Alright." We both got up and went to our rooms to pack. I got out my big purple suitcase,two medium ones and a small carry on to take on the plane with me. I packed my shorts,pants,pjs,shirts,tank tops,socks,shoes,and panties.

"Hey Kris. I'm all packed." Marie said,coming into my room.

"I just need to put together my toiletry bag." I walked into my bathroom and put in my bathroom needs. Along with some cosmetics.

"Alright! I've got to put this in my carry on then I'm all set." I put the small toiletry bag in the carry on.

"I'm done!" I rolled out my suitcases into the lounge room by the door.

"I'll call a cab." Marie said,already dialing the number.

"It'll be here in 15 minutes." So now,we just wait.


"Flight 157 to London,England is now boarding." The overhead sounded."Flight 157 to London,England is now boarding."

"C'mon Mar. Let's go." We said goodbye to all of our friends then we went out the gates and boarded the plane.

We took our seats in the second class division. I had a window seat and Marie sat right beside me on my left.

"Hey Mar. Did you bring your camera?" I asked,taking a sip of my little water bottle.

"Yeah I did. Why?"

"Well,while we're in London,we can take pictures along our trip. Then we can put it in our "Friends Forever" scrapbook."

"Oh yeah! But we can still use our phones to take pictures,right?"

"Well duh!" We laughed and talked along some of the way. About maybe an hour or two later,the captain spoke.

"Ladies and Gentlemen,this is your captain speaking. We will be landing in London,England in another 3 hours. That is all."

I groaned."I'm going to take a nap,wake me when we get 30 minutes away." I told Marie,then laid my head down and dozed off.


"Oh my gosh! London is so beautiful Kris!" Marie and I arrived in London about 45 minutes ago and now we were at our hotel. I was sharing a room with Marie.

"I know!" I put my suitcase down by the bed.

"Should we go meet the rest of the dancers?" Marie asked,pointing towards the door.

"Yeah,let's go." We headed out of our room and towards one of the other rooms. Marie knocked and out came a dancer.

"Ello. Are you Marie and Kristen? The other dancers?" She asked. She had red hair and brown eyes. She was very tall and kind of pale,but tan at the same time.

"Yes we are." Marie answered for her.

"I'm Phoebe. Here come in. The rest of the girls are here too." Phoebe opened the door a bit wider and Marie and I walked in.

"Kristen,Marie,this is Sophie,and Michele." They waved high.

"Nice meeting you." Michele had brunette hair,brown eyes,and olive colored skin.

"Hello there loves." Sophie had honey blonde hair and had brown eyes. She had tan skin also.

"Hey. I'm Kristen and this is Marie." I said,then pointing over to my brown haird,blue eyed,very tan,best friend.

"When do we meet this famous boy-band?" Sophie asked,having a seat on the floor.

"We don't know,but I really hope it's A nice boy-band." Marie answered,both of us having a seat on the floor as well.

"Bummer." Michele said.

After about another hour Marie and I said goodnight to the other girls and headed back over to our hotel room.

"They seem very nice." Marie said,as we got into the beds after getting ready for bed.

"I know! We're all going to become great friends." We said goodnight to each other then we closed our eyes and fell asleep.


See....I told ya it would be boring some. I hope it's to your guys liking!!! So yeah....toodle-loo!




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