Living with deadlox and love

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Nikki's P.O.V

Sits at my desk playing minecraft and turns on my camera. "Hello guys today we are going to go on a hunger games sever and play for awhile" I click on a sever and my skin is a deadlox but s girl and really cute. "Okay guys there seems to be someone talking about deadlox in this server lets find him" I start to walk around and find him and I jump up to see him. "Omg guys there he is and he is doing a video beacuse Adam is over there (aka sky)" I walk over to deadlox and look at him. (This is on minecraft) "okay this is deadlox he is the most cutest boy ever they say he lives where I live but I do not trust them" keeps staring and the games start and I run to the chest and I get a diamond sword and all diamond armor. "Okay I got all what I need and I am going to follow Ty" (aka deadlox) after awhile I smell smoke and turn my camera off and runs downstairs to see fire on my stove and I run upstairs and pack a lot of stuff. I run somewhere and call the cops. (Aka the picture of the cover is going to be Nikki)

Ty P.O.V

-I notice that one girl who followed me she had my skin but as a girl hmm I want to no what she looks like I do like her skin-

Nikki's P.O.V

Grabs my camera. "Hi every one yes yes this is me and I am outside. There is a fire in my house and my mom and dad are not out and I am scared so I am just going to go to a orphanage!! See you guys later.

Ty's P.O.V

I get a call from Adam and I pick my phone up.

(A=Adam t=Ty)

T-hey Adam what do you want?

A-be rude!! But someone has a house fire on your street turn on the news


A-see you Ty

Adam hangs up and I turn the tv on and I see the house fire

(I hope you like it it is a short chapter)

Living with deadlox and loveWhere stories live. Discover now