Chapter 45

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Sergi: it's been a 3 weeks since Sarah go to hospital the therapist refused any visit she said its too early I feel so bad for Sarah she get an abortion but I think that's good for her

Her doctor said she's going to be fine she accepted everything I said and she will allow visitors in the next week but the only one who can see her is me because she asks for that

Cris: I decided to take the children but Katie refused she said its too early for the kids let's hope she will accept you then I will bring the children when she wants them

I knock on sergi's house he opened the door we sit and started to speak he told me Sarah is getting better and the doctors says she's okay to see people now but she asks only for me

When he said this my heart hurts me I don't now what I did wrong why she don't want to see me or the children I told Sergi I'm staying in the hotel and leave his house quickly before my tears fell down my face

Sarah: I took all my medicine and the nurse prepare a bath for me I finished and get dressed I decided to take care off myself I want to be back Sarah the one how loves life I want to be back good for Sergi for my kids

I cut my hair and put my favorite  black T-shirt it's simple but I love it i was sitting in my room waiting for Sergi to come I miss him so much

Sergi: I go to Sarah's room I knock on the door she opened it she cut her hair she looks different from the last time I see her she looks also tired I hugged her tight and sit and started to speak

Sarah: I miss you too bro I'm getting better I'm sorry for what I did I really didn't mean to do anything bad I love you please say sorry to Sami i want to ask you something really important can you bring junior and Nico I miss them and need them so much

Sergi: I will tell the doctor and if she said yes I will bring them to you plus don't say sorry again we love you and we never going to get mad at you little sis

I go to the doctor she said Sarah is getting better quickly there's something wrong with her every time I remind her by her boyfriend she got mad and don't want to speak and I feel like we back to zero

I told her she wants to see her children she said yes I drove to the hotel Cris in and go to his room he was so happy to see me and started to ask about Sarah I feel so bad for him

I told him everything the doctor says I see his eyes started to full of tears he said he will ask his sister to bring the kids tomorrow and he also brings stuff to Sarah and give them to me

Cris: I closed the door after Sergi I sit on the floor and started to cry why is she refused to see me why I can't believe that I feel a sharp pain in my heart  I can't do this anymore I decided to leave Nico here and take junior after he see Sarah and go back to Madrid


I dedicate this chapter to my lovely friend Jayme112234 thanks for your help love you

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