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The child was only 8 years old when he fell down, and he remembers that day like it was yesterday. The fear, dread, anxiety, all of it. He cried out for help at first, but nobody came. He tried again and he saw a figure step out of the shadows. He couldn't believe his eyes as a skeleton with a lab coat on towered above him. The child began to cry.

"Oh my, I didn't mean to scare you. Oh goodness I'm bad with people." The skeleton said sitting down on his knees. The child tried to scoot away, but it felt as if he had broken his arm, which made him cry out again.

"Child please, I don't wish to harm you. I came here to check on someone and heard your cry. I can help you heal you and shelter you. Please trust me." Said the skeleton softly. The child wiped his tears. He decided it was best to go with him. It was either that or stay here all alone.

"I- I'll go..." He said. His voice was tired and afraid, and the skeleton picked up on that. He helped the child stand up.

"My lab is quite far away from here, we can catch up on the way," the skeleton suggested. "My name is W.D. Gaster, but you can just call me Gaster."

"My name is Sam," the child said.

"That's a nice name," Gaster said. They walked a bit then Gaster stopped and looked around. "Maybe my lab is too far away for you to be walking to right now. But it's okay, I know a short-cut." Gaster took the kid's hand and walked back to where the child had fallen down. Gaster led Sam into a machine and pressed a button. They appeared in his lab as if they teleported.

The lab looked dark and menacing, but it was all that Gaster was given. Whenever the king and queen made him royal scientist, they told him that they had a small lab in hotland, but Gaster was expecting something a little bigger than two rooms. So he decided to make a basement. He had all the rooms he needed to do everything, and the best part is that no one has seen it but him. And now Sam has.

"This is where you will stay," said Gaster as he walked into a guest bedroom that he made built in to the basement just in case. It had a small twin sized bed with a dresser and a nightstand. It wasn't much, but Sam didn't care. At least he had a room.

"Now, I need to heal your wounds, follow me." Gaster led Sam out of the room and down the hallway  into a room that looked like it could be an operating room. Sam was scared, but for some reason he trusted Gaster. Gaster set him on the table and brought out some bandages.

"I'll try my best to heal these, but I've never seen blood before." Gaster said wrapping a bandage on his scraped knee. "But I guess this is helping if you're not looking at me like I'm crazy," he noticed that Sam had actually been looking at him like he was crazy. He sighed "Am I doing this wrong?" Sam shook his head. He was actually looking at Gaster like he was mad because the glasses he was wearing were taped to the side of his face. Sam wanted to laugh, but his arm hurt like hell.

Gaster shrugged and continued to bandage his knee and other areas that had gotten scratched. He didn't know, though, that Sam had a broken arm. He put his bandages back in a cabinet and looked over at Sam, "Does anything else hurt?" Sam nodded and gestured at his broken arm. Gaster walked over and slowly put his hand on his arm.

"Yeah, that one's broken I can already feel it," Gaster took his hand away and walked over to the same cabinet that he put the bandages in. He reached in and pulled out a brace that he made that was a glove that was completely made of metal. It looked like a metal hand.

"I made this for when I had fallen down off of my roof trying to get a ball for a child that had accidentally kicked it up there. I broke my arm so bad that it almost fell off. I guess that's different for you because you have skin," Gaster said laughing nervously. Sam would laugh once his arm stopped hurting. "And I made it to where it can adapt to any hand and arm, so when you put it on, it will shape to your arm."

"W-Will it h-hurt?" Sam asked, his heart racing. Gaster looked at the mechanical hand.

"It will probably hurt for a bit because it has to squeeze the bone in your arm into place, and then it will be sore for a while." Gaster said. He saw the fear in Sam's face and frowned. "One moment." Gaster left the room quickly to find something comforting for Sam to hold. He found a box in his room of stuff from when he was a child. He found a lot of comic books and old "inventions". But he did find something for Sam at the bottom. It was a blue hoodie that he had when he was about fourteen. He pulled it out and examined it. It was a pretty soft jacket, and it was kind of fluffy on the inside too. He went back to Sam and handed it to him.

"I found this buried in a box," Gaster said, Sam taking it. "You can hold on to it while the metal arm does its thing." Sam hugged it with his good arm. Gaster picked up the device and slid it onto Sam's broken arm. Sam's heart was pounding as Gaster pressed a few buttons on it. "Okay on the count of three, I will press the button and it will compress your arm."


Sam closed his eyes.


Sam started trembling.


Gaster pressed the button and the mechanical arm started to move inwards on Sam's arm. Sam hugged the jacket as hard as he could. He must have been out of tears because he didn't cry. He felt the sharp pain of the bone going back into place, but that wasn't even as bad as he anticipated. Him being 8 years old, though, the thought just a flu shot was terrifying. Sam opened his eyes and saw his arm completely covered in this metal glove. He wiggled his fingers and laughed quietly.

"Awesome!" Sam said, "I'm a cyborg!"

Gaster chuckled, "Wasn't too bad?"

"Nope, but now I have a metal hand!" Sam was over-excited. He looked down at the jacket he had been holding, and then looked up at Gaster. "Can I keep this? I like blue."

Gaster smiled at him, "Yeah, It's too small for me, but it's really hot here. If we ever go to Snowdin, though, that would be a good place to where it."

Sam yawned out of nowhere and got off the table. "Can I go take a nap?" Sam asked.

"Yes, yes, I'll lead you to your room." said Gaster. Sam followed behind Gaster back to that room he had showed him before. Sam put his new jacket on his dresser and climbed into bed, being cautious of his sore arm. "Sleep well, Sam" he said turning out the light.

Gaster went to his room and sat on his bed. He smiled at himself. When he had became royal scientist, he had to leave a lot of friends behind. Everyone that had loved him and trusted him. But now that he had this human, he had someone that would trust him. And he knew he would never leave this child behind.

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