Year 1

33 1 3

"What does the W.D. stand for?" Sam asked setting down a comic book Gaster let him borrow. Gaster shook his head.

"That's not important," said Gaster.

"Oh okay," Sam said frowning. He returned to his comic book, but didn't really pay attention to it because he was thinking about how he was going to tell Gaster about his birthday. Before he fell down, he was counting down the days before his birthday. Now that he had been down here for 2 weeks, it was only 3 days until his birthday. And he knows exactly what he wants.

"Are you alright?" Gaster asked. Sam jumped slightly then looked at Gaster. "You seem bothered about something."

Sam sighed, "It's just that, uhm." he looked away from Gaster. "My birthday is in three days, and I was, uh, hoping I could meet some more monsters?" Sam looked back over at Gaster with puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, that sounds like fun, I can take you to the neighborhood I grew up in. I think some of my old friends still live there. You would like them," Gaster said smiling at him. Sam smiled back at him.

"Yay, I was completely expecting you to say no!" Sam said. Gaster laughed and stood up.

"I've been realizing lately, anyways, that it's time for you to make some more friends."

"I'm so excited! I'm going to get my stuff together!" Sam ran off to his room.

"But we're not... going... today..." Gaster said, but Sam was already gone. He turned back to his table and opened his drawer with the blue prints for his secret project, that he was going to have to complete a lot sooner than he expected. He started designing it when Sam fell down on that first day. Gaster knew he wasn't strong enough to protect Sam if he was in trouble, but if this went the way he wanted it to, Sam could never die.


"I'm ready let's go!" Sam started charging towards the door to the elevator. Before he ran headfirst into the door, Gaster grabbed his backpack and pulled him back.

"First of all, we're not going that way, and second of all, I have another surprise for you." Gaster went to a room down the hall way. Sam was bouncing with excitement. Sam was sure no one could be more excited than him until Gaster opened a door and a tall skeleton ran out of that room and straight to Sam, on the way knocking Gaster onto the wall. Sam tried to run back, but the skeleton picked him up and squeezed him with all his might.

"Oh my goodness you must be Sam! I'm so happy to meet you! Gaster told me all about you! You seem like a great person and I can't wait to go on an adventure with you! Oh my we're going to have so much fun!" The skeleton said so quickly that Sam almost didn't pick up on it.

"Oh, um, hi," Sam said looking at him awkwardly. Gaster walked into the room.

"This is your surprise! He's a happy skeleton that will love and protect you forever! I made him to where anyone that is a threat to you, will die in an instant," Gaster said walking over to them. The skeleton was still hugging Sam. "You can put him down now Papyrus." He gently set Sam down on the ground, and stepped back.

Papyrus? Sam thought What a silly name.

"We'll discuss his other functions later, but now," Gaster said leading them to the machine Sam arrived there in. "Let's go visit some old friends of mine." Papyrus and Sam got in the machine with Gaster and they appeared in the backyard of someone's house. "This is my old house, I don't think anyone lives here now that I live in the lab." Gaster said bringing them to the front of it.

"It looks nice," Sam said. Gaster led the two to a small house across the street that seemed to be made of metal. He knocked on the door and a person made completely out of fire opened it, followed by a little bird creature. Sam blinked.

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