Year 2

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Sam walked into Gaster's work room and sat down. Gaster didn't hear him come in, but knew he was there.

"Where's Papyrus?" Gaster asked.

"He's in his room I think," Sam responded.

"Why don't you go and play with him?"

"He kind of scares me now that you told me why you made him."

"He only kills what is a threat to you, I made it physically impossible for him to hurt you."

"Yeah but," Sam paused. "What if he hurts you?"

Gaster's head shot up. He never thought of that. But Gaster wasn't a threat to Sam. Was he?

"I don't think he would do that because I would never hurt you." Gaster said looking over at Sam.

"Okay, I was just kind of worried," Sam said. "Also, can I ask you about something?"

"Anything," Gaster said completely turning around in his chair. Sam cleared his throat.

"On the surface, I had a friend. Well actually I don't really think we were friends, now that I think about it. Every time I would say something to them they would always say something like 'Go away!' or 'Leave me alone'. They seemed like they just needed someone to be nice to them, so I tried to be, but every time I got pushed away. But there was one day that I went up to them and they said 'Don't come after me or I will end you!'. It scared me so I ran inside. The next day though, they weren't there. That's probably what they meant by 'don't come after me'. But I did anyways. I just somehow knew that they climbed this mountain and jumped down the hole, so I jumped down too. I felt weird because I didn't even know this person that well, and now I was almost giving my life for them." Sam sighed. "Their name is Chara, do you know if they're down here?"

Gaster's heart skipped a beat. That was the name of the human the king and queen took in just days before Sam fell down. He wanted so badly to tell Sam the truth, but he knew that if he did, he wouldn't get Sam back.

"I haven't heard of them, so I guess they're not down here," Gaster said. It pained him to tell a lie like that, but he felt like Sam was starting to trust him and he didn't want him to just disappear. That was the whole reason behind Papyrus. Sam got up.

"Okay, I'll be in my room," Sam said walking away to his room. Gaster didn't say a word as he left, just watched at Sam's feet as he walked out.

Sam walked in and sat on his bed. He wasn't sure now what to do. The whole reason he came down here was to save Chara, but now he's just stuck with no way out. He would probably never see his family again because he was stupid enough to follow a person down a hole that he barely knew. Sam sighed and looked through a drawer in his dresser that he hoards newspapers in. He brought one out and decided to do the crossword. He just wanted to get his mind off of Chara.

"Sam, are you okay?" Papyrus said peeking in his room. Sam sighed and shifted in his bed. He started to realize that the crossword was just making him frustrated.

"Yeah, I'm just," Sam sighed heavily. "This stupid crosswo-"

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE DOING A CROSSWORD?!" Papyrus yelled immediately sitting down next to Sam.

"Uhm," Sam looked at him weirdly. "Yeah, I'm just stuck... on this one." Sam pointed at one and handed it to him.

"Oh that one's easy!" Papyrus quickly wrote down the answer and handed it back. Sam laughed a little looking at the answer.

"Yeah, I guess that one was kind of simple," Sam said.

"I love puzzles! You should come to me next time you're stuck!" Papyrus patted Sam's head causing him to flinch.

"Yeah, I will," Sam smiled at him.

How can someone like that Sam thought have the will to murder?


"Gaster, you're brilliant!" the king, Asgore, said. "The design is beautiful, and it's very efficient!"

Gaster scratched the back of his skull, "Thank you, I enjoyed building it and designing it."

"We defiantly made a great choice by making you royal scientist." the queen, Toriel, said. Gaster laughed nervously.

"I did have some help from some other people out there. There's no way I could have done this by myself." Gaster said. Asgore and Toriel smiled at him. They looked unbelievably proud.

"We have some things to do today, but tomorrow we will open it up to the public," Asgore said. They left and Gaster looked up at his giant creation. Across the bridge a sign illuminated the dark abyss below. He keeps thinking that he should had tried to make the CORE closer, but it was too late now. He didn't know what would happen if someone were to fall off the bridge. Was it bottomless? Did it end abruptly?

Gaster shook his head and walked away.


"H-Hi Gaster," Alphys said through the phone.

"Hey Alphys," Gaster responded. "Remember when I told you, about a year ago, that I couldn't d-d-date you because I had a big project I was working on?"

"Yeah, I remember," Alphys said sadly. "Why do you bring it up?"

"I f-finished that project, so," Gaster paused. "I have a lot of free time, to, uhm, date."

"R-r-really?! Y-you do?!" Alphys tried to stay calm. Gaster chuckled.

"I actually have time tomorrow to, uhm, date," Gaster said. "We could go to the uh, the, uh."

Oh god Gaster thought where's a good place to go on a date?!

"The garbage dump!" Gaster spat out. Alphys was silent. "I mean if that's not a good place to go I-"

"I'll meet you there tomorrow," Alphys said. She was shocked by the fact that Gaster just asked her on a date, so she panicked and hung up.

"Um, hello?" Gaster said into the phone. He shrugged and set the phone down. He sat down on his bed and smiled.

"Oh my god," Gaster heard someone outside his door. "SAM GASTER HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" It was Papyrus. Gaster almost chased him down the hall, but stopped himself.

"YEAH HE'S GOING ON A DATE TOMORROW!" Gaster heard Papyrus shouting down the hall. Gaster just laughed.

I swear he thought he's going to be the death of me

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