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| dedication: miscellanies - for that versa banner xx |

I would have taken credit over a few things but the biggest meal was prepared by Link. It was delicious, with his fried vegetables, potatoes and meat. I didn't know what to call it, nor did he but he promised us all that it was a frequent recipe at his household.

Palmer and myself were chatting away happily, with Link cutting in occasionally to provide an opinion that was not asked for. I did well to ignore his every word but there were a handful of moments where I found myself bickering with him over stupid things such as baths or showers. And to my dismay, his argument of a spraying shower being more suitable won.

After that, I decided to pretend he wasn't sitting opposite me at all. I would feel his gaze burning into the side of my head and there were a few times where I was tremendously close to look up at him and meet his gaze.

"Thank you for the lovely dinner," Palmer thanked us, stifling a yawn. I pushed out my chair and quickly grabbed her hand.

"We'll clean up," I assured her, already steering her in the direction of the stairs. There was nothing more I wanted than to see Palmer recover steadily and fully. Even if that meant I had to spend another hour or so cleaning up with Link still in the same room as me. "Let's get you to bed." I said in a soft voice. I met her warm eyes with a small smile as I carefully helped her up the stairs.

She allowed me to help her change into her night gown but ended her cooperation when it came to the bathroom duty.

"I can take it from here," she said as she disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I waited outside the door since it didn't go unnoticed by my ears that she didn't lock the door behind her.

A few minutes later, she emerged out from the toilet and I was quick once again to grab her hand. I helped her into her bed, and although her protest were audible, I still went above and beyond to make sure she was fully comfortable.

"Did you take your medicine?" I asked her although I knew she did at the dinner table. She nodded in reply, her head laying down on her silk pillows.

"Are you warm enough?" I asked, reaching for the spare covers without waiting for an answer.

Palmer stopped me mid way. "Orianna please sit down."

I obeyed almost instantly, dropping my ass down beside her on the bed. She grabbed my hand in hers and gave it a tight squeeze and from previous experience with Palmer, I knew she was going to say something I did not like.

"Do you like Link?" She questioned, catching me completely off guard.

I was quick to answer, almost too quickly. "No."

Palmer arched one eyebrow of hers, berating the word that I sputtered out. I didn't know what else to tell her other than that simple yet stern no.

"Then what do you call the tension between you two?" She asked me. I inwardly punched myself for not putting in more effort to seem decent in front of Palmer. I tried to look at ease and made sure Link eating opposite me was as normal as anything else.

"We just have unresolved business," I told her, jumping around the truth. I could never possibly tell Palmer the true reason behind everything.

Palmer nodded slowly, like she just realised something. "Ah," she said absentmindedly. I watched her quietly as she started to get comfortable in bed, her eyes fluttering shut. But she didn't fully fall asleep before muttering one final order. "Go downstairs and resolve your unresolved business."

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