Chapter 3

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I saw Niall. I did my best to hide my face behind the menu as the waitor came up to us.

"May I take your order?" The waitor said.

"Um I will have the Caesar salad extra croutons and tomatoes. I will also have a slice of cheese cake with that." My mother said.

"And I would like to have the steak and potatoes" I said as I looked up from my menu. I couldn't see Niall anywhere. And I was truly greatful for that. That was until I turned around in my seat and saw him sitting in the booth behind me. I quickly turned my head when I saw him get up from the booth. Just as I thought he came straight for me.

"Ember! What a surprise seeing you here. I was wondering when I was gonna see you again." He said sort of sarcastically.

"Ugh hi." Was all I said, hoping he would go away.

"Hi I'm Ember's mom, Jessica Bennett, are you one of her friends?" My mom asked. Just my luck. She was getting into a conversation with Niall, off all people. Why Niall?

"Yes, we are very good friends. I'm Niall by the way." He stuck his hand out for my mom to shake. Pfftt "good friends" my ass. Never in his dreams will we be "good friends".

"Would you like to stay for lunch with us?" My head shot up. I couldn't believe she even asked that. God I hope he says no. Please say no.

"Oh no I couldn't. I don't want to impose." He said. Yes he said no. Now he can just go.

"Oh no I insist stay. Please?" I wanted to scream. Why must my damn mom do this!?

"Okay if that makes you happy then sure why not." He smiled and then winked at me. I wanted to throw up.

"Ember scoot over. Make room for Niall." I scooted over.

"So, Niall, how did you and Ember meet?" My mom asked. She can be nosey sometimes.

"Mooooom can you not? Please?" I pleaded. My voice going high pitched.

"Okay okay fine." She finally gave in after staring at me.

"Actually, I would like to ask Ember something." He paused "Ember, will you go on a date with me? This Friday? Please?" My jaw dropped. I wanted to throw a knife down his throat. I cannot believe he even asked that!

"Ummm I don't know. I think I have plans with Kase-"

"She would love to" my mom interrupted, her eyes beaming with joy.

"Okay Friday at eight? Lets say we go to the cinema? Sound good?" He asked. Maybe he asked me on a date because he probably knew my mother wouldn't let me say no.

"Ummm sure I guess." I said, internally screaming my lungs out with every fiber of my being.

"Okay. Well I must get going. I have business to attend to. It was lovely running into you ladies here. See you Friday Ember. I can't wait." He said. What "business" would he have to attend to? I can't believe my mom is even making me go. Ugh I just hate my life right now!

I looked at the door in which Niall had left out of, wondering how long it would take for me to run out there and throw myself in front of a bus just so I wouldn't have to go on a stupid date with him. That was when I noticed the food was coming. Fatty self here we come.

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