Chap-ter 5

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We arrived in a smol (A/N: >w< memes) dark house, which was in the creapiest part of the town. We were both panting, which was awkward and made me blush. He still hadn't let go of my hand. I blushed.

"What the fuck were you doing?!!" he hissed at me, throwing my hand and then kicking a flimsly table , which collapsed. I flineched, dropping the severed arm onto the floor. i forgot i still had that.

"I-I had to stop you!!" i defended myself, pouting as i stomped my foot.

"Yeah well the popo would havethought you were killing them too dumbass."

I screamsd in frustration.

"Why were you even ki lling that person???!!! What had they ever done!?!!!" I asked , feeling sorry for the now-amputey.

Jeff smiled. I mean, it always looks like hes smiling but when he actually does its even more creepily hot.

"It's not like he was even innocent," he said with a shrug, jumping over the back of the couch to sit on the front of the couch where he put his arms behind his head. As a joke, i placed the other arm behind his head and he laughed. i laughed too, blushing imensely.

He thinks I'm funny omigosh

i thought, blushing moure.

"What the FUCKl do you mean?" i snapped, just so that he would think im still angry at him.

he laughed again.

"I' only kill CRIMINALS. People who have done wrong. People who dont deserve to live," he said carelessly. "I'm not a bad guy, I'm doing the world a service."

I blinked, surprise. All alomg.. Jeff has been the good guy?! I couldn't believe it! Feeling guilty, i looked down at my feet. "Oh.... I'm sorry."

He shrugged, not saying anything until saying something.

"Whatever princess."

I walked away, going upstairs in curiousity. The first thing i saw was a big door with the sign 'JEFFS ROOM NO ENTER'. Despite that, I enter. What could be so bad?

I stepped inside, shocked to see how dirty it was. I maneversd throuuh, looking at the dirt on the floor. The whole room was black , like the rest of the house, and thelights didnt work. I saw his bed, and sat down on it. I was so tired and exhaughted from running here from the police that i just fell asleep right away.

---TIME SKIP X3 ---

I woke up drowsily, to see someone standing in the doorway. it was jeff, who was smirking as he leaned against the doirframe with the arm thrown over his shoulder casually."well look at what we have here??"

"Can't you read signs stupid?" he insulted, slamming the door behind him.  "I guess im gonna have to punish you for not listening""

A/N: O///.///O i wish jtk would say that too me loL XD

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