Destany gets caught by Bonnie

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Malik" we should be safe for now." Cheyenne " yes" Destany" hey you guys I have to go to the bathroom." Malik" take the sword with you." Destany" okay." Just as Destany went to the bathroom Bonnie got her and hides  her right in the right air vent.

Malik" what is taking so long?" Cheyenne " maybe Chica or one of the other electronics got her. " Malik" no she has a sword." Cheyenne " let's go check on her as a group." Cheyenne " okay." Just as the group went to find her they found a note that said" we are coming for all of you." Cheyenne" no they have gotten her my best friend."

Malik" we have to go somewhere as a group now." Cheyenne " we could hide in the prize room?" Malik" no the marionette is in there." Cheyenne " oh yeah." Malik" I know where we could hide in the air vents." Cheyenne " no foxy sleeps in there."

Cheyenne " I hope this is not the wrong time to say this but I feel safe when I am around you." Malik" hop on my back we are going to the night guard's office and find a Freddy Fazbear mask for both of us." Cheyenne " okay then."

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