The second day

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Malik"We survived one day and one night." Cheyenne " yeah we have" just as they started talking they headed the marionette singing twinkle toes and jumped out and said "will eat you all like groceries." Malik" hell no . hop on Cheyenne while i run like hell.

Cheyenne " I want to go in the office and get the mask we forgot all about." Malik" I want to know if you have ever seen this note before?" Cheyenne " no" Destany " I have Foxy carries it around every where he went."Bonnie" I want to eat some humans." The marionette " I know where some are still two of them." Bonnie" where?" The marionette " here going to the night guard's office.

Malik" it is time for some rest." Cheyenne " no they will kills up in our sleep." Malik" Destany will you keep watch of them bitches? " Destany" yeah. " Malik" okay then."
Cheyenne " okay then i trust y'all." Malik" goodnight then." Cheyenne " goodnight." Destany" I will protect my friends as they protected me."

Bonnie" come out and play you bitches." Destany" wake the hell up Bonnie is here!" Malik and Cheyenne " run like hell again damn. "

All of you fans who read this book I will be taking a break from this book to work on my other books, but I will have a new chapter of this book by  Monday

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