Chapter 1: "Dinner Date and a Needle."

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The air was much colder then I anticipated that night. I moved silently threw the casino parking garage, thinking about how a rum and coke would taste really good right now.
I was at this Casino for two reasons. First) to look for a new job, considering I had just lost my last one. Second) I wanted to have a couple of drinks and forget the world for a while...
Even though I'm only eighteen I happened to get my hands on a fake I.D about a year ago. That's kinda what happens when you have been stuck at an orphanage for seventeen years of your life. I could pass for a twenty one year old, why pass up the opportunity?
I hit the elevator door button and watched the little black dot turn a pretty blue. I heard the dinging of the elevator moving up and distant laughter. "I wish I could laugh like that..." I mumbled slightly to myself.
The elevator opened and a pile of collage looking students piled out. They held onto their pretty drinks tightly and leaned on each other as they exited the elevator. Surprisingly they moved at a quick pace, so I slipped into the beautiful elevator silently. I had parked on the sixth floor, so I knew it would be a small trip down. At this point I was praying I would be the only one on this elevator ride.
But it would be just my luck that the elevator stopped on the fifth floor.
I groaned before the doors opened, but I stopped myself when I saw two men walk in. They where in mid conversation as they stepped in, they gave me friendly nods and I could only smile back, hopping it looked real.
The doors slowly closed and I couldn't help but feel a bit awkward. These two men where beyond attractive. They both wore nice clothes, nice jeans, tight shirts, expensive looking jackets, one wore a scarf. It was shit you wouldn't find at Walmart at or Target.
They both smiled fondly at each other as the conversation went on, I couldn't help but notice the beautiful movie star smiles they both had. But what killed me I think, was their voices. They both had deep sexy voices...
I was a sucker for deep and raspy voices ever since I realized boys weren't as icky as my ten year old brain thought them to be.
These two where defiantly not icky.
I was so busy with my inner babble and my attraction to them, I hadn't realized I was being stared at.
Both men smiled at me gently, and I tried to smile back, even though I knew it was more a nervous smile.
The tallest of the two spoke first "Now, what's a hot, young thing like you doing in a place like this?" His deep, slick voice made me suppress a shiver. He was a big definition of sexy... He had Raven black hair, and a slick sexy smile. He also had a ton freckles and beauty marks (which was a huge turn on.) He was strong and well built, you could see the muscles under his tight black shirt.
I felt a boiling heat rise to my cheeks and I couldn't help but let a nervous laugh escape my body. I opened my mouth to say something along the lines of flirting back with him, but the shorter of the two took off his scarf and glared at the taller male.
       "Don't talk to a woman like that." He said. I wanted to quiver at the sound of his voice like that, demanding and so serious. He was everything I looked for in a man... He was a few inches taller then me, he was pale, he also had those little birthmarks and freckles, he had sandy blonde hair and a lean muscular build...He had a kinda look about him that made you want to jump all over him if he gave you a simple look.
         Both men where very sexy in their own way.
          The dark haired male smiled "like what " he asked. The elevator dinged loudly, making me jump. The dark haired male chuckled as the door opened and winked at me. "Don't worry beautiful, it's just the elevator." He said, exiting the small space
          The sexy blonde opened his arm, gesturing for me to exit first. I smiled at him, and moved out. I felt the warmth of him behind me as he followed me out. His voice made the heat linger a little longer in my cheeks. "I'm sorry about him..." He said, and walked a bit around me so he could look at my face "he can be a real ass, but he's my best friend." He said.
        I smiled up at him "I understand, best friends are best friends. You kinda have to love them" I said gently. He smiled at me and I felt my heart squeeze in my chest.
         "I'm Ash. That buffoon over there is Luke" he said softly. I glanced over in 'Luke's' direction. He was smiling and talking to some young collage girl. Ash and I stopped walking at that point, and I felt comfortable enough to tell him my name. I also felt major flirting vibes between us.
          "I'm Sophie." I said
            His smile grew wider "ah! Sophie! French?" He asked.
           I nodded.
           He chuckled and slowly took my hand "Bien Sophie, qui eat in nom beautoful, pour une belle fille!" He said gently, then softly kissed my hand. I wanted to squeal and giggle like a fangirl.. I knew a bit of French, basically he had told me I had a beautiful name and that I was beautiful...
        A low whistle had my attention as well as Ash's. Luke clapped gently and smirked "Don't have all the fun Ash, save some for me, m'kay?" He joked. Ash rolled his eyes as Luke slowly moved over to join us.
          "Sophie...?" His deep voice whispered "are you meeting up with anybody tonight..?"
             I blinked, and shook my head. "Uh... No, I'm here alone." I said softly. Suddenly I realized I had told that information to two strangers. What if they where mass murders? Or Repasts? Kidnappers? I felt scared suddenly. If they try to hurt me what was I going to do? I was completely defenseless.
            Luke smiled softly. "Then, would like to join us for dinner?" He asked gently, taking my free hand. (I realized then that Ash was still holding my hand in his, close enough to his mouth that I could feel his warm breath against the top of my hand.)
             I blushed deeply. Dinner? With two men I just met...? I had the money to do it. But it just seemed so bizarre... I looked back at Ash, who only smiled gently at me.
           "I don't mind, you seem really cool Sophie, I'd like to get to know you more.." He said softly to me.
           I trusted Ash. I trusted him a bit more then I trusted Luke. I didn't feel like Ash would hurt me.
         So I slowly looked up at Luke and smiled. "I would love to have dinner with you guys." That earned me bright smiles. Ash held out his arm in a gentlemanly manner for me, and I gladly took ahold of it. I might have been super nervous... But I had a feeling these two would be a big part of my life...

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