Chapter: 2 "Adjustments & Mates"

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"Sophie... Sophie..."
I heard somebody calling my name, but I felt so calm, My head felt so light. I tried to ignore the deep voice, but no matter how hard I tried, he just kept calling my name.
Something smelt like a hospital. It was kinda like the stale clean smell.. Like someone had poured rubbing alcohol and a floor cleaner all over the room... It made me want to twitch my nose up.
As I started to wake up I noticed another smell.. On top of the stale clean smell, there was a deep, strong, sexy smell. It didn't go that well with the stale smell, but all and all it calmed me down a ton..
Then I felt the soft fingers, stroking my cheek and moving down my jawline slowly. I tried to track the fingers as they moved up to my hair and stroked it gently. I noticed then that my hair was damp.. Like I had been running threw the rain. But that apparently didn't matter to whoever was stroking my face and hair, because they kept right on doing it.
My neck ached. It felt like a bee had stung me on the left side of my neck. I wanted to reach up and touch it, but I couldn't move my arm...
I was now really becoming more aware of my surroundings...
I knew I must have been in some sort of hospital, and I was in a room with a male.. He had to be male.. I couldn't move my arms or legs.. They felt too heavy, even if my head felt light.. I couldn't recall why I came to be here.. Or why I felt so heavy.. But I knew that much..
I heard a door open and shut and a beautiful voice floated threw the space around me "Has she opened her eyes?" It was a woman's voice, it was like melted butter... Whoever this woman was she had to be absolutely beautiful.. She sounded powerful..
"Not yet Ma'am.. But her heart monitors and brain waves seem to be starting up more again.. So I figure it's only a matter of time." The deep voice that called my name spoke and I felt a chill run all over me.. I knew this voice.. But I didn't know who it belonged too.. It sounded so familiar
Yet I couldn't place who the voice belonged too...
In the next moment the night before hit me like a train...
I remembered everything.. The dinner.. Ash and Luke.. The needle.. Everything.. Suddenly my whole body ached and my eyes sprung open.
The first thing I saw was the horrible florescent lights, which made me cringe and squint my eyes shut. I slowly opened them again as I heard a gentle chuckle. I slowly looked around.. I was in some sort of hospital room.. And at the foot of my bed was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.. She was tall, and wore a long black dress that seemed to float around her, her arms and fingers where decorated in little bracelets and rings. She had a creamy mocha skin color and perfect curly hair I would have killed for. Her dark eyes examined me quietly, and her plump pink lips turned up into a small smile.
"Looks like she has good timing.." She said, not to me but whoever was on my left.. I was terrified to look.
But knowing me I did anyway.
And there he was... He was even more breathtaking then the night before... His pale fingers where frozen over my hair, and his green eyes pierced mine. He had on a tight black t-shirt, with tight blue jeans and combat boots to match.. He wore two bracelets.. One rubber and one silver... His hair was a bit of a mess.. Like he was pulling on it.. He looked absolutely handsome... And I didn't want to think he looked handsome.. I didn't want to see him at all actually. A image of last night in that elevator crossed my vision and I almost glared at him.
He slowly looked at the beautiful lady at the foot of my bed "I guess she does.." His deep voice slipped over me like a blanket..
"Well good. I'll have Luke bring her clothes when he comes to check on her." The beautiful woman said
It was then that I noticed I was naked. I felt my cheeks flush so dark I knew I must have looked like a fucking tomato.
Ash must have noticed that I realized I was undressed, because his hand quickly shot out to cover me up but he stopped quickly. He gave me a look threw his eyes that said how sorry he was. I wanted to start questioning him, but the sound of heels dragged my attention from Ash's stunning eyes.
"Sophie Quinn. You are eighteen years old, you do not have a family. You've been taken and brought to many new and different orphanages and foster homes. Your parents left you at the age of one to a wide open world." The beautiful woman said to me. I can honestly say I was shocked at first. Then I remembered everything I had told Ash and Luke the night before. I forced my heavy body up into a sitting position and glared harshly at Ash.
The beautiful woman held out her arms in a wide gesture "Sophie Quinn, it is my extreme honor, to welcome you to the Hunters Society!" Her voice was boisterous and happy, as well as her smile which was radiant. She acted like she was talking to a whole army of people and not just one person... I didn't know if I should clap or not...
"Hunters Society?" I asked "I'm confused.."
The beautiful woman looked a little annoyed at my stupidity. Ash cleared his throat "Supreme Leader Daisy? Sophie probably isn't feeling a hundred percent yet... I believe she should rest a bit. I promise I will fill her in on everything once she is feeling better, with your permission of course" he said in a professional way. I figured at this point.. It was best to keep my mouth shut.
The beautiful woman nodded but her eyes still stayed on me. Finally she turned her attention to Ash. "Fair enough.. Supreme Leader Marylin has assigned her too the Vampire Hunters Davison." I felt Ash stiffen beside my bed but he nodded
"Yes Ma'am. I will have her all set up by tomorrow.." He said to her, then slowly turned to me. Supreme Leader Daisy smiled and exited the room gracefully.
I frowned. Hunters? Vampires? What the fuck where these people on?
I looked up at Ash once I heard the door click fully shut. He was still as breathtaking as the first time I saw him... He looked so professional last night.. And now he looked like every young girls wet dream... He slowly folded his arms, which made him appear stronger then he actually was. I suddenly felt very insecure about being naked in front of a seriously attractive male.
Ash smiled. "You look better.." He said softly, then the room fell silent. I pulled the covers up more to hide my chest, which caused Ash to chuckle. "You should get used to the fact that you are going to be seen naked quite a bit here.." He said into the silence of the room.
I stared at him, slight fear ripping threw my body. "And where is here exactly?" I asked "You all are talking about Vampires and Hunters, you stuck me with some sort of needle and pushed a drug into my body last night, I'm naked, I have no idea where my clothes or dignity is, I have no idea where I am! I'm not stupid Ash! Now give me some answers!" I yelled.
Ash sighed. "I've got a lot of explaining to do.."
I folded my arms "yeah. Yeah you do." I said sharply. Ash stared at me for a long moment before opening his mouth to speak but the door swishing open had him shutting up quickly.
Luke stepped into the room. When he saw that I was now awake and sitting up he smiled. I didn't return it. His smile faded a bit, but that didn't stop him from slowly setting down a pile of black clothes and saying "You look good, better then you did.." I just stared at him. I noticed he held a blue clipboard now. He, like Ash, wore a tight black shirt, light blue jeans, and a doctors coat that he didn't bother to button. His dark hair was pulled back into a lose pony tail, it wasn't a big pony tail... He had about shoulder length hair when I last saw him, so it was enough to give him something to work with. He walked over to me kinda slow, as if he was afraid I would lunge at him.
He stared at a monitor that was next to my bed. I looked at what he did and finally started to realize I was hooked up to that machine. I had little wires on my chest and stomach, and an I.V sticking out of my wrist.. No wonder I felt so light headed.
Luke made a noise, digging a pen out of his pocket, he quickly jotted down some notes on a piece of paper that was clipped to the blue board. "Well, you look good. Your brainwaves look great, heart rate is steady.. Your blood pressure is a little high.. But honestly that could be from the serum.." He smiled, setting the clip board down. He brushed past Ash who watched him, as he washed his hands in the sink quickly before turning back to me. When he walked back over, he cupped my chin and tilted my head so he could look at my neck.
"It looks like it might scar.. I'm sorry about that." He said softly. "The serum isn't meant for humans.. We normally use it for vampires and werewolves.. Witches on occasions. I'm really glad you are recovering at the pace you are." He said
He started to press around the little needle puncture wound and I jerked my head away when he touched it. Then I reared on him, "Why did you do this to me? Where am I?" I asked. I was tired of being left in the dark. I needed answers. Luke whipped around to stare at Ash, they seemed to communicate threw their eyes. Finally Luke sighed heavily
"How long has she been up?" He asked
Ash's eyes slowly found me, they bore into my skin and I suppressed a shiver. Ash had this way about him that made me want to crawl under a table sometimes, but I wouldn't flinch. I stared back at him as he spoke. "Mm.. About ten.. Twenty minutes."
His eyes never left me, but I could see Luke frown. "And you haven't explained anything to her yet..?"
Ash's bright eyes snapped from me and glared at Luke harshly. "Luke. If you where stuck with a needle that made you pass out for almost thirty two hours, you wake up confused and scared, your in pain, your naked an probably cold, would you want some random fucking guy, not to mention he's the guy who stuck you with that needle, hounding down your ear about things you never knew existed or even understand?" His tone was clipped.. Harsh and clipped. It startled me how mean he got so suddenly. Last night he was so gentle.. So kind.. Even when he helped hold me down, he spoke calmly to me.. It was strange..
Luke continued to check my pulse, temperatures, breathing and other things as Ash spoke to him. Though he looked un-phased when Ash spoke to him so mean, his tensed, trembling fingers told me otherwise.
"No, I guess I wouldn't want that." He said, sounding almost bored.
I frowned. "Well, news flash. I want to know. So one of you better open your pretty mouth and tell me where the fuck I am and what's going on!" I exploded. If there was one thing I hated more then anything, it was being kept in the dark.
Luke's eyes widened slightly and I saw Ash smirk. His green eyes found Luke, his smirk didn't fade. "Luke, can you move to the side for a minuet?" Ash had a glint in his eyes that seemed.. Mischievous..? I tried to swallow the limp in my throat as Luke stepped aside with a heavy sigh. Finally my eyes found Ash.
His arms where still folded, his smirk still rested on his lips, and he began to move toward me at a slow pace. "Do you believe in the supernatural, Sophie?" His green eyes pierced my blue ones. I tried hard not to inch away from him, or try whimper at the tone of his voice. I held my ground as he kept moving toward me. Hesitantly, I shook my head, which only made him chuckle. "So, you think creatures like.. Vampires.. Werewolves.. Witches.. Even something as modern today as demons? None of that?" He asked. I stared at him and shook my head once again. He nodded, finally moving so he was at the side of my bed, close enough that I could feel the warmth from his body, and smell his aftershave. My breath felt like it was coming out in hard little puffs. "Why..?" He asked
I felt that same heat rise to my cheeks, like it did the night before. "Well.. Frankly it's just not believable. You guys are trying to tell me that this stuff exists when it's all story book bullshit." I said bluntly. Across the room I heard Luke chuckle.
Ash nodded, his hand reaching up and slowly sweeping some brown hair over my shoulder; away from my neck. "A lot of it.. Is mostly storybook bullshit. You'll never see a mermaid or unicorn. But Sophie... You would be surprised at what is actually out there.." He said softly. His fingers trailing over the soft needle prick.
I scoffed nervously. "Okay seriously, what the fuck are you people on?" I was now trying to get up. I turned my back to Ash and swung a numb leg over the bed, getting ready to swing the other one over, when strong hands held my shoulders. I spun around ready to start beating Ash in the face.
Luke's brown eyes where what stopped me. He stood close behind me, rubbing small circles with his fingers on my shoulder blades. Luke and Ash had very different eyes.. Ash's eyes seemed to give everything away.. They reflected emotions.. Luke's held everything in. They didn't show anything at all.. Deep and mysterious. But they looked almost sad as they wandered down my face to my neck.
"Sophie.. Hear me out.. I know it seems all far fetched.. But it's not as far fetched as you think. You will learn more as you go on.. I didn't believe it either.. So please, Sophie. Just hear us out..?" He asked me in a gentle tone.
I glanced over at Ash, his body was rigged, but his gaze was focused on Luke. His facial expression gave off a friendly appearance.. Relaxed and calm... But his body language and eyes showed something else.. His eyes screamed that he was angry.. Was that.. Jealousy?
I swallowed and looked back at Luke. "Okay, let's say these.. Monsters.. Are real..? What does that have to do with anything? Or with me at all?" I asked.
Luke looked back at Ash, as of trying to find the right words. Ash spoke first. "Well, that's why we are all here. Sophie you grew up from a broken home, just like the rest of us. You have been brought to the Hunters society for that reason." He said
Luke nodded. "The Hunters Society is a secret group of young adults and teens who work together to hunt down evils of the world. A lot of people think we are a myth. Basically in a nutshell, kids from broken homes and abusive family's are recruited all over the world to hunt the supernatural"
I stared at them. Ash lifted his hand like he wanted to touch me again, but ran his strong hand threw his hair instead. "I know you probably think this is all a joke, and are waiting for the camera crew to jump out.. But there aren't any camera crews Sophie.. This is all real.."
Luke shook his head. "He's right Sophie.. You are going to be signed into a division soon that hunts a single kind of supernatural. It's split up into four divisions. Witch hunters, Demon Hunters, werewolf hunters, and vampire hunters.. Ash and I are vampire hunters."
"So is she."
"Come again?" Luke spun around to stare at Ash.
"So is she." Ash said again.
"But.. But how do you know?" He asked. He sounded almost panicked. I felt my anxiety spike, now remembering how Ash had tensed up when the woman named Daisy had told him I was apart of that division.
Ash swallowed, making his Adam's apple bob up and down roughly. "Supreme leader Daisy told me that Head mistress Marylin had assigned her there"
Luke shook his head "Why though? Sophie is so little. Do you think she meant for her to be bate? Maybe her mates are in that field?"
Ash sighed "nobody will get to know who's mate she becomes until they are notified. Do you know her blood type?"
Luke shook his head vigorously "hell no! If I pulled blood from her now she would get too sick. That serum is still in her system... If I take blood it will try and spread more threw out her blood stream.. I don't want her passing out again..."
I looked back and forth as they spoke. Finally I interrupted while I had the chance. "Okay, first off. I'm right here. Second off.. Mates? What do you mean mates?"
Both males turned to me then looked at each other, like I had just asked them where baby's come from. Luke cleared his throat motioning to Ash. Ash glared at him for a moment then turned to me.
"To keep us focussed, relationships, all are forbidden. But they understand that most of us are horny teens.. Therefore, they assign us mates. You will have more then one" he leaned against the wall next to my bed.
Luke cleared his throat. "Woman are scarce in H.S.. There aren't many of them, so because they have so many males, one female normally has anywhere from two to six males.."
Ash slowly moved so he was standing in front of me now. "Don't get the wrong idea though. Women are worshiped here, they are in charge. The way it works..." He trailed off then cleared his throat "let's say your mates are... Luke and I. We make love and you don't like it with us. You are aloud to tell us, 'no more.' After that we aren't aloud to touch you." He explained
Luke turned to me "and men are also aloud to say 'no'. It's equal ground in a lot of ways. If you don't like your mates, they will change them the fallowing month. They keep track of our sexual activity's, they have too.."
I felt a bit green hearing all this information. I was still a virgin.. I wasn't looking forward to any of this.. "How do I find out who my... Mates.. Are?" I asked. Luke glanced over at a computer that sat quietly on the far side of the room.
"I can access your file if you would like." He said. I nodded.. I wanted to know.. So it could be over and done with..
Luke stood up and crossed the room. I turned to Ash, his bright eyes where already on me. "You keep saying.. 'Supreme leaders'. What do you mean?" I asked him. His face gave off no emotion but something sparked in his breathtaking eyes. He grabbed a chair from across the room. It was quiet as Ash did this, soft keyboard clicks coming from the other side of the room.
Ash placed the chair close to my bedside and sat down slowly. "There are always five Supreme Leaders. They decide everything. Rules, changes, where to place people, mates, punishments, you name it. You have Gregory Lambert, you won't see him much, unless you work in the infirmity with Luke." Luke's little chuckle came from the side of the room.
"Then there is Klark Wars. He is.. In a sense.. Our rock. He's the teacher, the philosopher, the strongest of our society. It's a hard position to obtain.. But he's strong, that's why he does it so well." He smiled gently "then there is Daisy Halo... She is the Venus of all of us. Beauty, grace, caring, she is a very strong and smart woman.. She's always been the sort of.. Virgin Mary.. She's the mother figure in our society." He explained. I nodded, remembering the beautiful woman. Ash looked over at Luke, who had a expression I couldn't read well sitting on his face. "Then we have supreme leader Joe K. He's second in command here. He is the male hunters inspiration.. He's The base.. He is a kind soul.. But man if you piss him off.. He is most defiantly, the bulk.. And the body in our society... He's the one who recruited Luke." Luke didn't turn to look at us, but the way his shoulders relaxed I could tell that he was a bit bashful about it
A soft smile tugged at the corner of Ash's lips as he slowly turned back to me. "And then you have Supreme Leader.. Marylin Nicea. She is the it factor and she is in charge. Joe may be the body.. But she is the brain. She is everything and anything. You probably won't see her much like the other leaders, when you see her, you nod respectfully and go back to whatever you where working on, trust me, you'll thank me later"
I nodded slowly. I would remember that. Luke made a very loud noise on the other side of the room, quickly turning away from the computer and towed us. Luke was naturally a pale person, but I swear in that moment his face paled about three shades lighter. Ash stared at him long and hard before asking him what the problem was.
Luke swallowed and motioned to the computer. "I-I found out who her mates are" he stammered "two people you know very well.." He said in a voice that sounded too high for his normal deep tone. Ash continued to stare at Luke until he finally made a gesture as if to ask who it was. Luke swallowed and turned his attention to me "Sophie.. You already know who your mates are.. You have two"
I stared at him, slightly relieved that I only had two. Then I got confused "wait, I know them? Can't be, I've been surrounded by women all my life.. The only two men are you two and a few older men.. Priests and pastors" I explained, which made Luke nod
Ash looked distressed as he quickly got up out of his chair "no.. No that can't-"
"Yes it can Ash" he interrupted "there's no say that it can't" he said and looked back at me. "Sophie.. It happens... To be.. That that little scenario Ash came up with earlier.. Well.. Ash and I.. We are your mates"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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