Chapter Seven

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“Aren’t you going inside?” Roman said when Ethan stopped to lean against the wall of his vocal enrichment class.

Ethan sighed. Ever since he’d taken off last week, Roman had been on edge. “I will when Kara gets here.” 

“You know we can’t leave until you’re in class.” 

“If you want to stay and babysit me, do it over there,” Ethan advised, nodding toward an undetermined spot on the horizon.

Order us to leave, and we’ll go, Braden said inside his head.

Ethan considered that along with Solomon’s words. ‘Man up and accept your destiny.’ Maybe manning up meant it was time he stopped letting his advisors call the shots.

“Go ahead and take off,” Ethan told them.

“We can’t do that,” Roman insisted.

Ethan smiled. “It wasn’t really a request.” 

“Later, Ethan,” Braden said.

“What are you doing?” Roman demanded when Braden turned to leave.

“He’s following orders, and I suggest you do the same,” Ethan said.

“As you wish,” Roman said through clenched teeth. “We’ll see you after class.”

Ethan’s chest swelled as he smiled after them. From now on, that’s how it was going to be. He’d listen to their concerns when he wanted to. He’d take their advice if he thought it was a good idea, but at the end of the day he’d be the one calling the shots.

            The exuberance of his independence was forgotten when he spotted Kara and Shirelle heading toward him. He took a deep breath. It was time to man up and face his destiny.

            Please let her forgive me.


As she approached their third period class, Kara frowned when she spotted Ethan leaning against the wall. In return, he offered her a smile. If it hadn’t been for what happened the night before, she would’ve thought he looked glad to see her.

“What do you think he’s up to?” Shirelle asked.

“No clue,” Kara said.

“Looks like we’re about to find out.”

They were drawing nearer to the door of the classroom, and Ethan still hadn’t moved.

            “Just ignore him,” Kara advised. “Just walk right in, and don’t even look at him.”

            “I don’t know if I can,” Shirelle admitted. “The boy’s too hot to ignore.”

            “Do whatever you want then,” Kara snapped, staring straight ahead as she stomped toward the door.

            “The cookies were really good,” Ethan said when Kara walked past him.

            Kara fought against the weak part of her that wanted to smile at him and tell him she was glad he liked them. Instead, she reminded herself this was the same guy who called her stupid and said she was a liar, and that was enough to start the pot of her dislike simmering once again. Without giving him another glance, Kara strolled into the classroom, smiling at her strength as she made her way to her seat. Her smile froze when she turned to sit down and came face to face with Ethan.

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