Chapter 9 - Texts

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Jessie's POV

It's been a week sine Keat lost her Mum, she can go home today though, to her new home, she's living with me and my family, my parents agreed and Keat was over the moon. To say she's been distraught would be an under statement. I've been staying with her all the time. She keeps waking up in the night screaming and crying. I just hug, kiss and comfort her until we both fall asleep. It's weird, she's never really on her phone but lately she's been getting loads of texts. She's shown me the ones from her friends which are expected but there's about 6 a day she doesn't show me. One minute I could actually be taking her mind off stuff but the next minute she gets a text and her mood changes. She becomes emotionless and goes white. She's getting ready in the toilet now, I gotta see those messages...

Keat's POV

It's been a week since I lost my Mum. The one that made me laugh when I was going to cry, kept me safe when there was danger, comforted me when I was scared and healed every playground wound. Now she's gone because of that bastard! I've told the girls everything and my Mum's brother (my uncle), he wanted me to live with them but in the space of one phone call I came out to him I was Bi and that I had a girlfriend. He was really happy for me. He texts me everyday, as do the girls. Amy is coming down next week. I'm living with Jess now, she said I could and so did her parents, they even said Amy could stay which I'm happy about. I've been getting texts off him. He's sending me death threats. Yeah my him I mean the murderer or my Mum, my so called Dad. He escaped from prison. He said he was gonna find me and kill me at my Mum's funeral and burry me with her. The funeral is today, I'm currently sat in a toilet, gathering my thoughts and getting ready for my Mum's funeral...

Jessie's POV

I knew it! I fucking new it! It's her Dad sending death threats! I swear to God I'm gonna kill him! Right, I'm calling the police... (J is obviously Jess and P is Police)

*Phone Call*

P: Hello this is 911, what is your emergency.

J: Hello, My girlfriend got stabbed a week ago by her Dad and he also killed her mother, I think he's called Ken Bloor?

P: Oh yes, what is wrong?

J: He's been sending Nakita texts, death threats to be precise for today, she's going to her Mum's funeral today and he is planning on killing her there.

P: Right okay, we will send police in a hidden car to you to pick you two up and take you there but you need to stay by them, they will be under cover and are there to protect you. We will be with you in 30 minutes.

J: Okay, thank you.

*Phone call ends*

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