Chapter 16 - The Promise

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Yes I know I have been really bad with updating but a lot has been going on. I am so sorry but I will be updating more now! I have no idea where I'm going with this but oh well. What i can say though is this chapter is really close to my heart. I was kinda wondering if anyone's still reading if you are tell me what you think, good or bad. Thankyou! This chapter comes with a trigger warning.

Kita's POV

Where the hell am I?! I don't have a fucking clue! Who the hell is that? "Hello?" I shout... The person turns around. It can't be him... It can't be my Grandad he's dead. "Grandad?" I whisper, barely audible. "Keat?" He says with his soft voice. I run to him and jump into his arms and break down and he just holds me and rocks me like he used to when I was little. After about half an hour of crying I look up into his sea blue eyes and whisper "Where are we Grandad? I don't understand... You... You're..." "Dead, yeah I know maid, bloody cancer ey." He give me a weak smile and carries on. "We're in heaven. Where I will stay but you won't." I just give him a very confusing look and he laughs and says "You have gotta go back home and I'm staying here. It's not you're time yet, you have to look after you're mum and your nan and grandad and Nanny Rosie and everyone else... Including Jessie, you-" "What how do you know about Jessie? You... You know I'm gay?" He nods yes and smiles and says "I always knew and before you ask yes I do approve. You are who you are and no matter what I will always love you maid. Jessie is such a sweet, kind and caring girl. She's perfect for you and between you and me I know you two are going to be together for a long time, I've seen it." I smile and let a happy tear slide down my cheek and I mime 'Thankyou' unable to speak. He smiles and says in his sweet old man voice "I miss you all you know, so, so much. But I'm always watching you all and listening, whenever you need me, eventhough I can't reply, know im listening." By this time I can't stop the tears streaming down my cheeks so I just nod yes in response. We both stand up and he holds me out infront of him by my shoulders before pulling me into a tight hug. I take a deep breath in of his old man smell. The smell I had missed so much. It wasn't a bad smell, far from it, I loved it. I squeezed him tight one last time before he let me go. He said "Now maid, it's time for you to go home, take care of your nan for me and everyone and don't let Jessie go, she loves you and I know you love her to." I nod unable to speak due to a lump in my throat. I look into his eyes one last time and whisper "I love you Grandad, I'll never forget you." He simply whispered back the words to me I last heard him say before cancer took him away "I love you to maid, live long yeah? Good night and godbless."

Then he slowly started to disappeared. It felt like I was falling. Then I heard people rushing around me and a really annoying voice shouting. "1, 2, 3 SHOCK" then I felt this electricity pulse zoom through my body. Then I heard a young girl scream "COME BACK BABY COME BACK YOU PROMISED ME!" and she kept screaming it over and over. Her voice was beautiful, it had an Essex twang to it... It... Jessie? Jessie, that's who it is, I remember, she's my girlfriend and I love her like Grandad said. Now everything's pretty silent apart from this annoying consistent beep in my ear. "She's stable and somehow, as if by a miracle better than when she died and we can move her into another ward. We believe she could wake up in a day" That must of been a doctor or someone like that. Now I'm moving, probably to another ward.

I can feel a soft hand grip onto mine, it was Jessie's, I knew it. I just did and I felt and electric feeling go through my body but not like the horrible shock one before, this one was filled with love. We came to a stop and I couldn't help but drift off into a sleep.

1 Day Later

Well i fell better for that, that's for sure. I even felt strong. I felt- Wait. What's that... Someone's singing and smoothing my hand. It must be Jessie, her voice is incredible...

" I'm not a little girl

So promise you won't hide it

Raw as it comes

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