Chapter Ten~*

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1- Jamie

Jeff stares at me. "You're going home?" he asks.

"Yeah. You don't want me here and I don't want to be with Smiley." I say. "So, I figured I might as well go home. Like you said, I'm not recognized as a CreppyPasta yet so I can just go and no one would recognize me. No one has any proof that I killed those two girls."

"You're right. Fine, go. Have fun." He flops on the bed.

I feel anger rise inside me. "That's it?" I yell. "That's all? Have fun is the only response I'm going to get from you?" I raise my voice.

He sits up and looks at me. "Yes, it is. Do you expect me to be sad that you're going? To miss you?" I flinch back at the anger in his voice. "How the hell am I going to miss you?" He finally shouts. "You expect me to miss you even though you annoyed and caused me trouble every second of the past two days you've been here! Why the hell would you think that?"

"Because," I whisper. "I'm your partner."

He stares at me then laughs. And laughs. And laughs. I feel embarrassment go through me. I start to slowly shuffle out the door, now knowing his true feelings for me.

I can still hear him laughing through the door. I feel a sharp stab of pain in my heart. I don't know why, but him laughing at me like that hurts. I know for a fact I have no romantic towards the jerk, but I do care. For some stupid reason I do care. I've only known him for two days and he's already having me feel again. This is why I distanced myself from people.

I start to walk away. Then, without even thinking, I begin to sprint. I jump down the stairs, three at a time and slide to a stop against the wall. I slip but keep going to the stairs and managing to remain upright. I do the same with the next two sets of stairs until I reach the bottom. When I do, I slip and finally actually lose my balance. The ground comes rushing at me quickly, but we never meet.

I look up and see Slender looking down at me. One of his tentacles is wrapped around my waist, stopping me from saying hello to the ground with my face.

"Thanks." I mumble and start to stand.

"You seem to be in a rush," he says.

"I am." I reply.

"Can I ask why?"

"Of course." I say and smirk.

"Okay. Why are you in a rush?" he asks.

"I'm not telling you." I feel him seethe. "I said you could ask. I didn't say I'll answer the way you want me to." I say and start to walk to the door.

"Remember, you're not a CreepyPasta. I can and would kill you." Slender says.

I stop and turn to him, opening my arms. "Fine. Do it." I close my eyes and wait.

After a couple of minutes I open my eyes to see Slender looking at me. Confusion radiates off of him.

"You would have willingly died. Why?" he asks. "You are the only human I know who welcomes death." he says, disbelief washing off of him.

"Because. I have nothing to live for. Jeff doesn't want to be my partner, I can't face Smiley, you can't stand me either, and I have no idea how to get back home." I say, tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.

Slender watches me some more. "Do you want to go home?" he asks.

"Yes, I do." I mummer as the tears stream down my face.

"Then, I'll show you the way. But don't try to find us on your own. You won't be able to." He sighs. "Let's go." He heads to the door and it opens.

I follow him outside. If he wasn't so... White, I'd never have been able to keep up with him. He walks for about 10 minutes before he stops.

"Do you know the way around your city?" I nod. "Do you have your knife?" I nod again. "Does anyone know you killed those people?" I shake my head. "Then continue straight. You should reach you city. Good bye, Jamie." He turns and walks back.

I sigh and keep walking straight. I feel a wave of sadness wash over me. I'm going to kind of miss being there even though I was only there for two days. I stop walking and just look around. Someone's watching me again. I scan the area better this time.

"Whoever's there, come out. I'm not in the mood." I say.

A giggle pops up. "You are so adorable." A girl appears from behind a tree. She looks at me with a smile on her face.

A chill goes through my body as I realize who it is. No. This can't be happening. That was just a bad dream!

I step back and start to shake. A smirk tugs at her lips.

"Scared, are you? You should be. Now, I've heard you're Jeff's little partner so-"

"I'm not." I say, interrupting her. She stares at me.

"Oh, you're not, are you? Did Jeffery get rid of you?" she asks.

"No," I say as my anger boils to the surface.

"Doesn't seem that way." I clench my hands. "Now, now. No need to get mad. You can do so much better than him!" she coos in my ear.

"Like what? Join you, Jane?" I ask, disgust in my voice.

"Yes. I've seen you kill. You remind me of Jeff when he was younger. Now, he's getting too- Oops, I shouldn't say anymore." she giggles.

"Whatever. What do you want? If it's Jeff, you're going after, you'll have to get through me first." I say while glaring at her.

She laughs. "Oh, how cute. But, don't worry about your precious Jeff. I'm not after him at the moment. I'm more interested in a short, brunette girl." She smirks at me and another shiver goes down my spine.


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