Chapter Twenty~*

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1~ Jamie

"Jamie," Gabriel's voice shouts from downstairs. "Hurry up or we're going to be late."

"I get it." I growl and glare furiously at the lamp on my bedside table.

As of today, it's been a week since I went to see Dr. Jimenez. Today, I'm going to be trying again with a different doctor; Dr. Applebottom. I continue to glare at the lamp, taking out all my hatred and anger on the innocent lamp.

"Jamie!" Gabriel shouts from right outside my room. The door flies open and there he stands. Even when he's angry, he's still the sweetest and most adorable looking guy I've ever seen. "Lets go. We are going to be late, so get in the car." Every syllable in those two sentences are filled with anger.

I smile weakly at him and stand up quickly. I have never heard him angry. Not with me, or his mother or annoying people. He's always so polite and well-mannered and I must admit this new, angry side of him is intriguing and, dare I say it, sexy? Yes, anger suits him well if he's aiming to be sexy, but his normal, nice self is the way I prefer him to be.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to no one in particular because, to tell the truth, I don't want to admit I'm weak, even in front of Gabriel who has seen me at my weakest points and has helped me through it. "I'm just scared." I duck my head behind a thick curtain of my hair to hide my face.

I hear him sigh and feel the bed sink in beside me. "Jamie, there's nothing to be scared of." He whispers comfortingly into my ear.

"What if she's like him?" I ask in a trembling voice.

"Then we'll leave. I won't let you stay if she's anything like him, okay?" He pulls away to look me in the eyes as he says this.

I nod weakly instead of answering aloud. He smiles at me and grabs my hand, practically dragging me off of the bed. After a few stumbling steps, I manage to get a grip on my footing and fall into step behind him. He leads the way out of the house and to the car. Lately, Gabriel has been spending a lot of time at my house and ever since the mishap with Doctor Jimenez, Gabriel has practically been living here by staying over through the nights and not leaving during the day. The only time he goes home is when he has to get a pair of clothes but he comes right back after. My mother enjoys his company and allows him to stay as long as he sleeps in one of the rooms downstairs. He, of course, has abided by all of her rules, even the ones I stopped following when I was in middle school.

I'm startled out of my thoughts by a sudden jerk of the car. I glance over at Gabriel and see a fearful look on his face. I reach over and grab his hand, but he doesn't respond. He just grips the steering wheel tighter and presses harder on the gas.

"Gabriel?" I sit straighter and attempt to turn towards him but the seat belt restricts me.

He shakes his head and continues to stare at the road. Fear begins to grip me because I have never seen him act so scared. Yes, he is a shy, sweet guy but he's not the type to be easily scared. I grip his hand tightly, causing him to winch slightly and pull his hand roughly away from me. My fear builds as crazed and fearful thoughts run through my mind.

I keep staring at him as he pulls the car to a stop. "We're here." he says in a choked voice.

I nod and step numbly out of the car, wondering what is wrong with him. I reach out for his hand but he brushes right past me. Tears fill my eyes and I yell, "Why are you doing this?"

He turns to me and, for a second, I see hatred and fear mingled together in his eyes, which are out of focus. But, then his eyes focus on me and as the hatred and fear fade, his shoulders slump forward and he looks guilty.

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