Chapter 8

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Melissa? Huh? What is he talking about?

Jasmine looked at him both lost but also feeling she was getting on top of the situation. If he didn’t know who she was then he couldn’t possibly know about the switch. In a way she was safe. Jasmine felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders but it wasn’t long before a boulder of dread landed on her again.

So, what does he know?

“You know it’s not fair.” She finally said hoping that whatever emotion she had revealed up to then, was now safely hidden away. “You know my name but I don’t know yours...” her voice faltered here and there more than she’d liked but it’ll have to do.

His expression softened at her words and his eyes were now just glowing with amusement. He gifted her with a charming half smile before leaning back, getting comfortable in his place, and answering.

“Well I suppose you’re right.” He said his voice deep and compelling. For the first time he didn’t seem so dangerous. Jasmine didn’t know how to react, was it just a very clever disguise or was he lowering his guard? “Leo.”

Jasmine blinked twice, his words reaching her ears but not being analysed by her brain which was busy with other things.

“Huh? What?” she asked wanting to understand.

“I… Am… Leo.” he said reminding her of a teacher wanting to explain something to the least smart kid in the class.

“Oh…Um…yeah…good…” she didn’t really know what to say. What was she supposed to say anyway? Nice to meet you?

“So kitty are you going to let me tell you the deal now or are there any more wrongs you need to make right in the world?” he teased her, light dancing in his eyes.

“I would appreciate it if you did not call me kitty Leo.” She scolded him in reply.

“Meow!” He whistled mockingly. “This kitty has claws!”

Jasmine supressed the urge to roll her eyes and stuck out her tongue at him. The guy was clearly crazy, and crazy meant unpredictable, and unpredictable meant she should be really careful. Ten more minutes and she would reach Melissa, if Leo was still with her she would remain on the bus. She couldn’t lead him right to her. She had to protect her sister. Jasmine prayed he would just get it over with.

“Okay, enough with this.” Leo said sobering up after a while. “Let’s get down to business.”

Jasmine nodded and prepared herself for whatever business might be.

“I saw you in the park kitty. I know what you did to my guy.” His words didn’t make sense in Jasmine’s head but he seemed sure of them. “I need money and a new identity which of course you will provide me with. We don’t want the cops coming after me now, do we?”

He looked at her daring her for a response to that but she thought it wiser to remain silent.

“So, Melissa things are simple. You have two choices.” He stated with a triumphant smile. “One,” He raised his index finger. “You get me what I want. Or two…” Another finger snapped upwards. “You get charged with murder.”   

Melissa swiped her finger across her phone’s smooth screen, unlocking it once more to check the time. She was getting impatient and above all, bored. It suddenly dawned on her that she had only one summer to figure what was there to do about what had happened that night and most importantly she had to switch places again with Jasmine before her family returned to their actual house.

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