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I finally got the courage to tell her everything. I feel so relieved, but still, something is not right.. "And..what about....us?" I whispered looking at her lips and directly back into her eyes as we were still at kiss-distance. "I think we..shouldn't rush into things..we will see where it goes." She placed her hand on my cheek and carressed it softly. I took a little distance. "But Angie i thought we still had feelings for.." she cut me off. "Could be true, but i don't know..it could also be the moment or the truth that has been spoken or the friendship, I don't know if.." she couldn't really come out with her words. "If it feels...forced?" I added. "Exactly. Let's just let a few days..maybe weeks pass by. Everything will be normal, no pressure..and we will see if our feelings are real." I smiled agreeing. Maybe she was right about this..but at the moment, it just feels so real..
We hugged. I didn't want to let her go, but I had no choice. She pulled away. "So, shall we go and work on our project now?" She suggested. "Yeah. Let's do that." She walked up and i did the same. We walked over to my desk and sat next to each other, closely.

"Do you get this?" She asked pointing into the book. "Hmm, let me look." And i pulled the book to me and read it. "Yeah, it's basically..like..uh, look, there are a billion atoms and they all have a special force which brings them together with another atom that has the opposite force, just like magnetism." I tried to explain. "Huh?.." "Okay, let's make it easier. It's just like..finding a soulmate. Everyone on this planet has one. If it doesn't work out with someone, you will never get back together with them. If it does, even if sometimes there are being made mistakes which makes them be seperated for a while, you will always find your ways back..because no other force is strong enough to break the relationship between you two.." I whispered, realizing she was my perfect atom.
And i was hers.
We were looking into each other's eyes.
Not saying a word..yet the silence itself already said more than our mouths ever could.
"Do you...get it now?" I asked, not realizing i was moving closer. "Yeah..totally." she whispered. "Do you feel it, too?.." i whispered while our noses were already touching. "Yeah, chemistry.." She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

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