Don't touch her

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I walked into the classroom and saw her sitting there. She was looking so good with this pink shirt and those skinny jeans that fit her perfectly. Her hair was so straight and shining beautifully. I couldn't help but stare for a moment.
Then i saw Oscar.
He was walking to Angie and pulling her hair. She screamed in pain. "Ouch! Wtf are you doing!" He laughed. I walked up to him and grabbed him by his collar to pin him up against the wall. "Don't fucking touch her." I said madly. Our faces were dangerously close to each other. "Or.." i added. "Or what? You will press the fire alarm again?" He laughed. I pushed him against the wall, hard. And then walked to Angie. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer. "Are you okay, baby?"


That was such a great job of German. Maybe it was not the right way to solve this..but still. This shows he really cares about me. I looked into his beautiful eyes. How could I not be okay? "Angie?" "Yes..yes German. I'm okay." And i hugged him. It felt so warm and so safe.


I'm getting ready for the date now..I'm so nervous. He could be here any moment. Keep calm Angie. It's gonna be okay. He has changed. At least, I hope so.. I really want it to work out between us this time.. I just have to play a little hard to get to see if he really wants me.
Then the bell rang.
I opened the door to see the most handsome guy in this world in his tight suit and cute smile and with roses in his hand standing in front of me. This is gonna be harder than i thought.

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