Part. 1

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A/N: Surprise, surprise. New fanfic. Please read and find out what it's like :)


It quite doesn't make any difference. It does not. You like me? I don't care. You dislike me? I don't care! Sooner or later, it will get fucked up. It always does. Just like my life. First minute i'm happy, next minute I'm ready to overdose on drugs. I've made bad choices in my life, but why would it have to be always? People can change, I can change. Right? I don't even know. It's just my head spinning through bunch of stuff, as I lay on the bathroom floor. What even happened last night? All I know, lot of things happened. And it's Monday again. Shit.

I watch the clock on my wrist, seeing my school will start soon. I get my ass up and walk out of the bathroom. Suddenly, I feel disappointed. I saw my dad in the living room, on the couch, passed out. I sighed, and shouted "Dad! You awake?"

He barely moves, and says "I am now"

"Could you throw me to school? Otherwise I'll be late" I said, rubbing my eyes out of the tiredness.

"You walk, lazy fuck" he grunts, gets up, continues "And take that little brat with you" he pointed at my little brother's room.

"Yeah, sure" I nodded. "But don't call him that"

"Whatever" he says as he quickly changes his shirt. "I'm going to Sasha's, we'll come here at night"

"Okay" I muttered. I didn't like dad's new girlfriend, at all.

"Feed the damn dog!" he shouted after he exited our apartment.

"We don't even have a dog, dad" I sighed. I hated the life in here. I walk in the messy hall to my own dirty room, to change my clothes. Then I knock on my brother's door. "Dude! Jay, you gotta go to school. I know it sucks"

Jason slowly opens the door and says, "Would you walk with me?"

Walk with my brother or be at time on school? You know the answer. "Yeah sure. Grab your bag and let's go"


I was one hour late from school. Lesson to there and here, does it matter anymore? Not to me. I walk through the hallway and see Tomo. Let's get this clear first. Yes, I am doing drugs. Am I selling them at school? Well, what does it look like? Anyway, Tomo's a really good friend of my, technically, he has saved me from cops multiple times. But he isn't part of my friend group. We give each outer handshake and change the drug and money. Easy, fast and nobody sees.

I continue my way and see my best friends, Brad and Joe. "Hey guys"

"Dude, you look horrible" Joe comments.

I run my hand through my hair. "Oh, shut up"

"Where were you?" Brad asked, as he slammed his locker closed.

"I had to take Jay to school" I muttered.

"And he couldn't go by himself?"

"No" said a bit of sarcasm in my voice. "You know he's getting bullied, I don't want him to be beaten up"

Brad nodded. "Yeah, okay I know"

Joe interrupted us "Did you know there will be new guy on our class?"

"No? Who?" I said.

"Shit, I can't remember. But I know it started with 'C' and he's like, super skinny. And blonde"

Brad bumped my shoulders. "Didn't you like skinny blonde guys, Michelle?"

I gave him my death glare.

"Oh Mikey, don't be like that" Joe laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah. Whatever. I visit the bathroom, you two already go to next class" I said.

"You gonna get high, Shinnizle?" Brad laughed.

"Fuck you" I smiled, and left the guys. I made my way to the bathroom, which happened to be empty. I sighed, and cursed myself. I searched my pockets to find bag of different colored, small pills. I grabbed two of them, and they tasted awful. I put the bag back in my pocket and take some water. I also wash my face.

"Come on, Mike, keep it together" I muttered to myself as I softly hit my fore head against the mirror.

"You often talk to yourself?" I heard unfamiliar voice ask.

I got shocked, almost tripping down as I turn to look who it was. It was a very skinny guy with pierced lip, stretched earlobes, blonde hair and black clothes. I couldn't figure out who he was, so I just stared at him.

He smiled awkwardly, and said "I'm new here"

"Yes! Of course, of course you are the new guy" I muttered, drying my face with my sleeves. "I- I just- I thought I was alone"

He chuckled and nodded. This was getting too awkward for me.

"Yeah, uhm. I have to go, my lesson is starting" I said, throwing my bag onto my shoulders.

"Mine too, do you know where is class room 206? History class?" he asked.

Of course he has same class I do. "Same class" I chuckled, awkwardly. "Let's go, together"

We left the bathroom, and I was mentally punching myself. Why I was being so awkward?

We entered the history class, I apologized for being late and sat behind Joe and Brad.

"Wait, did you already hit on him?!" Brad asked.

"No!" I grunted. "But he is attractive, though, so maybe I will"

"Excuse me, new guy!" Joe said loudly, "here is a empty seat for you!"

"What, no don't!" I whined. "Fuck you, Joe!" I grunted, but drew a smile on me as the new kid sat next to me.

"So, bathroom guy. May I ask your name?" he asked.

"It's Mike" I said, looking into his brown eyes.

"I'm Chester" he flashed a small smile, "Nice to meet you"


I don't take drugs to escape, but to survive. To survive this tunnel where light has been broken for years. Drugs keeps the bad thoughts away. And it makes it sound even more fucked up. I don't know where I messed up. I have wonderful friends, i'm average in school and I have the greatest little brother. But i've been abused every way possible. My dad is kind of cruel to me, and my mom passed away when I was 7. She died giving birth to Jason. She was the greatest. I don't really remember her because of my young age, I just knew she was great. If she never had left, my dad would never had thrown the first punch at me. But how would it be my fault? Why am I blaming myself? And for the christ's sake, why do I have these thoughts, which makes me insane?

I light a cigaret as I walk away from school. I really didn't wanna even go home. My dad is hardcore drug addict. But who am I to judge? I'm nobody, just another junkie.

My house is placed literally middle of nowhere. But at least, no annoying neighbors. Our house is really old and it looks like it's been abandoned for 10 ten years. But I actually don't care. I have a roof over my head.

I stepped inside the messy house and see my dad and his girlfriend, Sasha. I didn't know what I had done wrong but I guess I deserved a punch from my dad.

"Your teacher called. You are fucking up school again!" he shouted at me.

"Actually, I was trying to make friends, dad. But I guess you don't know what that's like, 'cause you have none" I told him, but achieved another punch. Totally worth it for being a smartass. I just smirked at him sarcastically and walked to my room. I don't care that abuses me. Is it a bad or a good thing? Nothing actually matters to me. But, whatever. I picked up few pills and threw them into my mouth, falling onto my bed.

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