The Specials

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Chapter 1:

Hand-to-hand combat. I don't know why we bother to get better at this. The Aliens always have guns. So why do we learn this stuff? Because, on the off chance that we disarm them, we can kick some alien butt. I watched Raven block Parkers hits and kicks, though the rest of us know that Parker could never bring himself to hurt her. They had been dating since the Invasion happened. We're supposed to be saving the rest of the humans from the Aliens, but no. We're too busy playing matchmaker.

I looked over at Olivia and Seth. The rest of us, The Specials, are just waiting and waiting and waiting for Olivia to say yes to Seth. I personally think that she'd think she was pressured into saying yes if she agreed. I looked over at Damon. My second-in-command, my best friend, my first love. Yepp. So freaking cliche, huh? IN love with your best friend, but whatever. He does NOT have to like me back. That would be way too cliche for me. Damon looked over at me and I quickly looked away, but the damage was done.

"Hey." He said walking over to me. I replied quickly and tried to ignore the fact that there were jolts of electricity coming from the spot were his bare arm was touching mine. Stupid hormones.

"You think she's gonna say yes?" Damon asked.

"She'd better." I replied. We watched as Olivia giggled and Seth smiled. They were so obviously in love. Suddenly Olivia nodded. Our eyes widened and Damon and I looked at eachother, wide eyed. Then we turned our heads to Charisma. She felt our eyes on her and turned from talking with Reese to nod at us. I didn't bother to look back Damon, since he was either smiling widely or gazing at Charisma like she was the most beauiful thing on Earth. She probably was, but still.

"Finally!" I groaned throwing my arms in the air. Olivia looked at me sheepishly, but Seth was smiling like no tomorrow. I moved my eyeborws suggestively, and Oliva blushed and buried her head in her Seth's chest.  "Let's get some exercise, freaks!" I always called them freaks. They didn't seem to mind, in fact, Elaina loved being called a freak. Yeah, she really is one.

We walked out to they forest, carefree, since we know that Charisma is always listening.

"Love this smell!" Oliva sang skipping.

"Amen, sista," Elaina said hitting the air with her fist. "Amen!" Olivia giggled. Suddenly, and Alien walked out from behind the trees with a wolf grin on his face and a gun in his hands. I heard a gunshot and a scream, then I realized I was the one who screamed, and blacked out.

Damon's P.O.V.

I screamed along with her as blood fired out from her chest. Tate hit the ground and blood poured out of her. I rushed to her as Elaina put up a force field and Raven shifted to a wolf. Charisma was sobbing into Reese's chest, and Reese had his head on her chest.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed at them. "Get the Alien!" Something changed in Reese's eyes and there was a gush of wind. I tore apart Tate's shirt, and almost grinned. When she wakes up, she's gonna kill me for doing this. I found the bullet hole and tried to figure out how to get the bullet out of her chest.

"Raven!" I called. She was at my side in an instant. "I need you to stick your hand in her chest and get the bullet out." She hesitated. "NOW!" Raven shoved her hand in Tate's chest and pulled it back out in the same instant, with a bloody bullet in her hand. I put my hands on Tate's chest and closed my eyes, concentrating on healing her. I felt a small ripple and opened my eyes to see her chest closing up.

Elaina was by Tate's side instantly, using the water in the air to clean the blood off. I looked away, not wanting to see Tate like that. I noticed the other guys were disposing of the body and the girls were rushing over to Tate.


Sorry about the short chapter. I had it writtewn but then the computer got jacked up and erased it all. The next one should be longer, but no promises, sorry!

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