A Summons

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“A summons? I have been summoned to the court? Are you kidding me?” She cried out, ripping at her hair and rubbing her face, all the while waving around a stark white piece of parchment with heavy black lettering.

“Do they think I can just give up my life and go to them whenever they call?” She growled, kicking at her chair, which she then slumped into, dropping her head into her hands. “Why?” She moaned, rocking back and forth with the balls of her feet.

Her fiery red hair had fallen out of its ties and was billowing around her face as she miserably stared at the floor, the paper falling from her grasp to float gracefully to the wooden floor. She sat there for a few moments before letting loose a heavy sigh and getting to her feet, scooping up the paper as she did and folding it into a black leather document wallet she kept in her bag. Running her fingers through her red tresses, she trudged up the wooden stairs of her house and entered her room, where she began to pack; dumping everything she owned that she could carry into bags and suitcases. Unfortunately, you didn’t ignore a summons, and if you did, well, even her set of skills wouldn’t save her.

A few hours later she had packed all her bags into her car and was reversing out of the drive-way, clicking her tongue to get the big black dog on her front seat to calm down. She was lucky she had no family, she mused to herself as she drove, turning off the freeway and into a restaurant car-park. She noticed her friends cars were already there, both the girls leaning against Jeans bonnet.

“Hey!” She called out, as she stood from her car. As she walked closer, she noticed the girls were packed similar to her own. Weird.

“Vix, hey!” Jean and Marie called back, waving at their best friend. Jean and Marie were identical twins, and if it weren’t for the training Vix had gone through she would struggle to see the differences between the two girls. Both had huge brown doe eyes, that could charm any man off his feet, and long silky blond hair that reached down their back with figures to die for. One of the easiest ways to recognise who was which was their hair though, Jean would wear hers down whilst Marie preferred to tie hers up.

The girls hugged each other in greeted, before stepping back.

“You got the summons too?” Jean asked, and Vix nodded.

“Thought you had an assignment tomorrow?” Marie continued for her sister, raising an eyebrow.

“Told Boss I couldn’t go, he understood. They’ll just have to send Lele.” She shrugged. Secretly she was miffed she couldn’t go on the job, but with her life being turned upside down by the court she couldn’t exactly help it.

“Well, we better get going; I have Mitsy in the car.” Marie said, peering into the tinted windows of her blue Honda.

“Yeah same, Tanks wouldn’t be happy if I left him in the car while I ate.” Vix laughed, as the huge black lab stuck his head out the car window, reacting to hearing his name.

“Stop at a diner a few towns over?” Jean suggested and the girls nodded in reply before heading back to their respective cars. As they exited the car park, Vix drummed her fingers on her black jeans before reaching the other hand over to give Tank a reassuring rub, her mind was racing, trying to figure out why they were all being summoned to the royal court, and what it meant for her future.

As she turned back onto the freeway, Jean honked behind her, sticking her hand out the window and fist pumping. Vix laughed before doing the same, calling a woo woo which Tank joined in on, howling loudly out the window, causing Jean to erupt into laughter and a man in the car nearby to swerve slightly after looking for the source and seeing the huge dog leaning towards him. The girls merged into the middle lane and formed a three car road train, with Vix and Tank in the lead, their music blaring loudly around them.

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