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We are inside his room on his computer. I'm sitting on his bed just watching him and then he turned around to show me something. So, I get up to see and I see these list of pictures. Right away I see the bear claw and the other pictures are similar to it.

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Because these are the clues we need to find and you already found one. Thanks!"

"So is this going to answer why the moon is cracking?"

"Yes. We need to find all of these items in two weeks and we need five more."

Now we need to find more crazy items. No thanks, but I can't let him do it all by himself. I guess if I do this then everything will go back to normal. Right?

I just noticed he was looking at me the whole time. I first blushed and then led my eyes.

"So, what do we do now?"

He was smiling. "Wow. I can't believe you said that word."

I was so confused. "What word?"


I rolled my eyes and walked back to his bed to lay down. He walked to me and was looking down at me.

"What are you doing?" He said.

"What does it look like I'm doing. I'm going back to sleep."

"On my bed?"

"Well, I'm not walking back home to just go to bed and I know your not going to drive me home because your so lazy."

"Look who's talking."

I rolled my eyes and went to sleep.


I opened my eyes and see that I'm not at my house. I was about to turn around, but I saw Eddie right......

"What are you doing!" I yelled in his ear.

He gets up like nothing happened and he looks at me. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Your in the bed with me! Get off! Right! Now!" I pushed him off the bed, but he didn't yelled or anything. He just went to his closet and got me clothes.

"Here. Put these on."

"I'm not wearing your clothes to school."

He turned around. "Just put them on."

Well I tried, but there's no time to go to my house. I put on the clothes and went downstairs to the kitchen. I see him making pancakes and bacon. I sit down at the table and look around the house. I see a picture of a dragon on the wall. I'm so surprise that he would have anime all over his house. He handed me a plate with eggs, bacon, and a glass of orange juice. I start eating and then I heard my phone ring. I look to see who it was and it was Emily.

>>>Where the hell are you?

I'm not going to tell her where I'm at because she would freak out. I quickly thought of something.

<<< I'm sick, so I'm staying home. I'll be there tomorrow.


I sighed. I started eating again and realized Eddie was watching me eat.

"What the hell are you doing? Eat your own food."

"Don't tell me what to do." He said with no emotion.

I rolled my eyes and started eating again. The food is so good. I can't believe a guy can cook like this.

"Are you going to say thanks?"

I look down at the food and said, "I thank all the people for making the mix and the pigs for the bacon!"

"Man, your so ungrateful!" He yelled.

"Just shut up."

"So, what are we doing today?"

"What are you talking about? You told me that you had your own plans."

"Yeah, is to do whatever you want."

I was so confused. I didn't know what to do today. Well, I sure don't want to go to school. So, I guess we can go to the mall.

"Let's just go to the mall."



We both get out of the car and we are walking into the food court. He buys me a slice of pizza and he gets a sandwich. We sit across from each other and we just stare away from each other.

In my mind, 'Oh My God. What do I do. What do I say. Can someone help me. Should I ask what we need to look for next or do I wait for him to say something.'

I look up and see he was staring at me the whole time and I blushed. He was staring at me with a soft look and I can see his hand about to reach for mine. I don't know what to do I just try to think of a question, but I can't. I couldn't think straight and I let him hold my hand.

"Our next clue is in this mall and thing we need to find is this." He shows me a picture of a... ring?

"Where do we find this? At Kay?" I asked.

"Yeah and we are tennages that have been dating for ten months."


He closed his eyes and sigh. Then he looked into my eyes. "Please just do it."

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded my head.


Now I'm wearing a short dress with convers. Eddie is wearing jeans and a green collar shirt. Now I'm really mad at one thing. We are holding...HANDS.

We walk into the store and we look around for then necklace. We are looking for a silver chain and a blue key at the end of it. We are both looking for it, but together.

"Can I help you two?"

I see this girl with long blond hair and is wearing this short pink flower dress. I didn't say anything, so Eddie talked instead.

"Yes, we are looking for a necklace with a key at the end for my girl." I blushed at that.

The girl smiled. "Right over here." She showed us where it was. When I saw it, it made my cheeks really warm. It was so beautiful that I wanted it for myself.

"Yes. We will take that one. Here's the money and I want to put it on her right away."

She didn't ask any questions. "Okay. Here you go."

"Thank you so much." Eddie said while putting the necklace on me. We left while he's holding my hand and we go straight to the car. Even when we get outside he is still holding my had.

I look at him. "You can let go of my hand now."

He slightly blushed. "Oh right. Sorry."

I laugh. "Don't be sorry. We were just doing our job."

He grabbed my arm and he just looks into my eyes. "Thank you so much for helping me." All of a sudden he started hugging me and I hugged him back.

This was a little weird for the both of them. Were they doing there job? I guess we will find out later. Remember to vote, comment, and keeping reading. Also please throw out ideas.


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