Addie and Ashton

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Addie POV
I'm sitting at a lake that no one goes to its actually forgotten about I'm sitting in a tree house me and my friends and their dads' built before they moved when I was 7 years old I had my headphones in and closing my eyes and thinking about life when I get a phone call that interrupts my chain of thoughts "hello" I answer "hey love where are you? I came home and you weren't here and no one said they saw you today and you didn't answer my text messages" Ashton asked worriedly
"I'm sorry babe I just got up early and rode my penny board for 30 minutes just going where ever it took me I didn't realize I was gone so long what time is?" I said
"It's 2:00 babe and where are you?" He asked
"Dang I've been here 5 hours I know where I'm at don't worry see you in 30 minutes love you" I said
"Ok bye love you too" he replied and hung up
I feel kinda bad that I didn't tell him where I was but I've been coming to this spot since I was 7 years old I can't just give it away any way I headed back home I opened the door only to be bombarded with questions
"Chill out guys I was just out thinking" I yelled and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge as soon as I turned around Ashton grabbed my hand and walked me up stairs and we went to his room and sat on his bed
"Where were you for real be honest?" He asked sincerely I looked down at my fingers
"Addie please tell me I don't want any secrets" he begged
"Fine I was at a hiding spot that I go to when I want to think or just be by myself I've been going there since I was 7 and didn't want anyone to know about it" I said he smiled and hugged me "c'mon!" I yelled and took his hand and handed him his penny board and grabbed mine and led him out the door still holding on to his hand we got to the end of the driveway and he pulls me back into his arms
"C'mon!" I yelled trying to lead him forward
"Where are we going" he said while laughing
"It's a secret" I said and let go of his hand and skated after about 30 minutes of skating we met our destination it was the abandon lake I was at earlier you had to go through the woods to get there though I led Ashton through the woods
"Where are we?" He asked
"This is where I was all day I come here a lot like atleast once a week" I said he chuckled I walked to my "famous" tree
"Follow me up here" I said and climbed up the ladder
"Ok" he chuckled and followed me up I sat down in the tree house and he sat in front of me
"So this is where you go to think?" He asked
"Yep" I replied
"How did you find this?" He asked amazed
"Well when I was 7 years old me my friends and their dad built this the. They moved away but I kept coming here to think or draw or write or listen to music it's kinda like my escape place" I said
"Wow this is really cool and beautiful so what were you thinking about earlier?" He asked
"What do you mean?" I asked
"You said you come here to either think, draw, write, or listen to music and you didn't have pen or a journal when you got home and you don't think without music so what were you thinking about?" He asked
"Just life and things" I said
"Like what?" He asked
"Like I think about a lot of the things most of the time you and can you promise me something?" I asked
"Yea go for it love" he replied
"Promise me that we will stay together no matter what even if we don't date lord forbid that to happen but if it does promise me we will still talk and have the relationship we do now" I said
"I promise and I don't ever plan on breaking up with you like ever I love you with everything inside of me" he replied
"I was hoping you would say that" I smiled we kissed then laid down and talked about life for about an hour
"Hey I have an idea" Ashton spoke up
"And what's that?" I asked
"How bout we go home watch Netflix and chill and talk and stuff?" Ashton said and took a breath
"Just me and you" he said before I could respond
"Perfect" I said and smiled and climb down the tree and got our penny boards but before we could start skating I felt arms around my side I looked up and it was Ashton he picked me up and kissed me and headed towards the lake
"Don't you dare" I said laughing
He threw me in and my acting skills kicked in
"Atleast help me out" I said with pleading convincing eyes and holding my hand out and he grabbed my hand and I pulled him in he laughed and we played around for about 30 minutes
*skip ride home*
When we got to the house I showered and changed into a galaxy hoodie some grey Nike pros and my turquoise and grey PINK knee high socks then I put my hair in a messy bun and headed down stairs when I saw Ashton in his Nike sweats a cut off tank top and he had a bunch of junk food he had ice cream popcorn chips candy everything and he had pillows and blankets all over the couch I snuggled I his lap and we ate Doritos and watched Family Guy all day then we decided to play the wii some and the ps4 then went back and watched the movie pursuit of happiness and I cuddled more in his shoulders and mumbled I love you and drifted to sleep

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