Wrecked (Part 8)

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"My car!" Sookie was fuming, her little yellow car crunched and barely recognizable. You had come out of the crash pretty much alright save a ripped jacket that you threw to the side in aggravation.

"ERIC. You owe me a new car!" She had her fists clenched, shaking them around, and for once no one looked like they had the time to deal with her.

Even Eric looked annoyed, "We'll work details out later."

"But my car, Eric!" She trained her eyes on you, "One of you owes me a new one."

"And you owe me two more weeks in Europe but you don't see me screaming do you?" You hissed, fangs popping out. She blinked at you, obviously confused, but at the moment you didn't care.

You started down the road towards home. The whole vampire crisis was taken care of after four grueling days of tracking down troublesome vampires with a taste for fairy blood, they were only privy on Sookie courtesy of Russell before he was taken care of.

"Are we going or not?" You looked at Eric, after you were a few steps away from the group.

"Eric." Sookie was looking expectantly, obviously still wanting to tie up loose ends on her half. Bill was looking between the two in exhaustion. He grabbed Sookie's waist to coerce her into saving the conversation for another day.

You shook your head, "I'm going."

Eric walked towards you, his decision making you feel a little better about the whole situation. The two of you hadn't gotten any time alone together since coming back, to be fair to him there was a lot of things he was working out and all of you had come out with the minimum amount of injuries. You were tired and just wanting to cuddle up in your coffin, even though it seemed less welcoming after spending two weeks in a big comfy bed.

"We could continue our vacation." He was trying to be sweet and had you not been exhausted you might have said yes.

But this was not the case, "You know there's too much clean up to do for you to be able to relax now. We had our time, it's back to work."

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