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I awake to see that I am still in the same position I fell asleep in, this time with the worst pain I have ever felt in my jaw and my wrists. I shriek a muffled scream and there are quick footsteps into the room.

A man that I am not familiar with looks at me with a shocked expression runs over to me, first taking the gag out of my mouth and then working to untie my wrists. As soon as they are free I rub my jaw, trying to get rid of some of the tenseness that built up over the course of the night. Thankfully, we went up to his room around 2 a.m. and it's now about 7, so I could have had the gag in for a lot longer of a time.

"Are you okay?" he asks worriedly, his thick Irish accent bellowing through the room. I nod, and he yells, "Mike, get your ass in here!"

My client walks in the room groggily, stopping in his footsteps when he sees me. "What are you still doing here? I told you to leave after we fucked last night," he says carelessly.

"You left me tied and gagged all night, I thought you would at least remember that," I spit. "Now, I need some clothes and the money you owe me and I'll be on my way."

He throws a dress shirt to me that's on the floor, taking notice of the shredded cocktail dress next to it. "How much do I owe you?" he asks in a demanding tone.

"Well, since you left me here all night, about $20,000." I say, shrugging my shoulders as if that kind of cash is nothing to me.

"Fine," he growls, taking his wallet out and throwing the cash at me. I didn't expect him to carry that kind of cash on him, but we are in Vegas so I don't ask any questions.

Throwing on the crinkled shirt and my underwear, I realize that I have no option but to wear my heels and walk out into the street like this. If that's not a dead giveaway to my profession, I don't know what is.

Mike has left the room, I assume to go back to being a sloppy pig. The blonde man with caring blue eyes looks to me again, running his hand up and down my arm gently and asking, "Are you really okay?"

His eyes are pleading for me to tell him the truth, and for some reason I trust this man. "No, I'm not. He hurt me, and I was honestly really freaked out." I usually don't let myself be so vulnerable, but I have never been in a situation quite like this.

"Of course, babe. Do you need a ride home?" I nod and he puts his arm around me, leading me out to the living room area and then out the front door. I didn't see Mike in the main area and for that I am grateful. I would have drop kicked that asshole now that I have regained a bit of my strength.

On our way down the kind man says, "I'm Niall, what's your name?" In a still raspy voice from the night before, I say, "Holly," in a sad voice. "Well Holly, it's very nice to meet you and I hope if we see each other again it'll be under better circumstances."

I look up to him and raise an eyebrow, surprised he has kept up his kindness as long as he has. Something about his company is soothing to me and I instantly relax. "How do you know Mike?" I question him. "You two don't exactly seem like the types that would hang out together."

He laughs a deep laugh and says, "I'm Mike's business partner and his old college roommate. Yeah, he is a major dick sometimes, but he is smart. In business at least," he says more delicately, knowing that he is obviously not smart in other ways such as personal affairs.

I nod again and say simply, "Well thank you for coming to my rescue, I owe you one," I say, smiling.

"I can tell you're sad, Holly. Your smile doesn't meet your eyes. Do you want to talk about anything?"

"No , it's quite alright, Niall. I can take care of myself." I pause to think about how I had to be rescued from my predicament this morning and add, "Usually."

He just smirks and we approach a really fancy car. I'm not sure what kind it is and am honestly not interested enough to ask, but it is sleek and white and looks like it can be a convertible as well. I hop in the front seat and give him directions to my apartment.

He offers to walk me in when we approach it, but I decline. Before I leave, we exchange numbers. I was wary of this exchange, but he says, "Just in case you need any more rescuing," and smirks.

I get into my apartment and run right to the shower, scrubbing myself over and over to get the germs from last night off of me. I don't think that the power from ten showers will begin to get the memory out of my mind, as I was completely sober and remember every chilling detail.

I towel dry my hair and change into sweats, thanking the lord that today is my day off. I waste the day away watching mindless television, and when I'm on my fourth episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, my stomach is grumbling so loud that I can barely hear the T.V. anymore and I decide to make myself some lunch.

Twenty minutes later I am back on the couch drinking lemonade and eating mac and cheese, squirting ketchup into it to add some flavor.

My phone buzzes next to me and I silence it, too enthralled with the drama between Kourtney and Scott to care about my phone.

After Kourtney and Scott got back together for what seems to be the millionth time, I check my phone to see a text from Niall, sweet boy that he is.

Niall: I just want to apologize again for Mike. He's an asshole and I know it, and I hope you don't think I'm the same way because of it.

Holly: Of course I don't! You came to my rescue and were so kind and caring towards me. And don't apologize for Mike. The bad experiences come with the job, I suppose. Everyone has their moments, and I guess you just caught me in one of my worst.

Niall: Okay, I also wanted to let you know that I respect your job choice. Not everyone can be a prostitute and you've got to do what you've got to do for your money.

I laugh, as this is a common misconception. I used to get offended when people would call me a prostitute, but honestly I see where this confusion came from. There is a thin line between escorting and prostitution, and sometimes they blur together and intersect.

Holly: Not a prostitute, but thank you, I appreciate that.

Niall: Oh, God, I should just stop talking. I'll text you once my foot is removed from my mouth. Have a good day, Holly.

Holly: You too, Niall. 

Niall seems like such a nice guy and I am so incredibly happy that he was there for my rescue today. Without him, I would be lying in a hotel room with lockjaw and even worse bruised wrists. I really do owe him one.


(A/N: What a sweetheart he is!

Please don't forget to vote and all that good stuff! More drama to come later I promise!)

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