Catching Up

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Chapter 4: Catching Up

The next day when I woke up I recalled yesterday's happenings and unsure whether or not my dad had come to terms with me or not, I figured it might be best not to stick around the house. I had told my mum being here, my home town, would hopefully inspire me. So I decided I would go up to town then go see if Jared was around to catch up.

I had a quick shower to freshen up then put on lots of layers to prepare for the snow outside. I wrapped my  coat around me as I left unannounced.

My car from before I left sat outside the house, something I hadn't noticed when I'd arrived last night. It was a blue VW golf and was probably my most prized possession. I jumped in and immediately turned the heating on. The car told me it was -4 degrees. It wasn't snowing currently though and the roads had been ploughed so it was fine to drive.

It was only a 10 minute drive up to the shops and I quickly found a parking spot. I hopped out and found my way to the coffee shop down the road. I took my coat and gloves off as I went in and sat down at a table by a heater. I order a skinny flat white and an apple and white chocolate muffin as I didn't have any breakfast before I left.

If felt right to be back home. Comforting. I look around the familiar shop and start thinking about how changed I am now to when I left. I was just a kid when I left, now... I don't really know who I am. The bell above the door sounds and a man walks in, taking his beanie off, I see it's Jared. Jeez, he's hot now! Jared had short, sexy stubble, dark blonde hair styled to perfection in an 'I just got out of bed' kind of way, dazzling blue eyes and a defined jaw. He was muscular in subtle way (not that I could tell under all those layers) and had that bad boy vibe about him.

"Jared!" I call out.

His head turns around, then seeing me, turns his whole body my way and heads towards me.

No words are needed as he pulls me into a warm embrace. He's a head taller than me and his chin rests on my head. I take a deep breath in, he smells like home.

"I missed you so much." He whispers.

My heart melts. "Me too."

Eventually we pull away and he sits down across from me.

He takes a long look at me. "How have you been Em? It's been so long. Last time I saw you, you were a kid!"

I gave a half hearted smile. "I'm okay. I can't really say I'm good, but I'm okay. What about you? You've changed as much as I have."

"Yeah well, I guess working on the farm all the time does that to you." He half smiled-half sighed.

I could tell he didn't want to talk about it so I changed the subject. "I was going to go find you later anyway. Funny you showed up here."

"Yeah." He brushed the remark off. "Anyway Em, you have a shit load of explaining to do. What are you doing back here? What happened to the big dream, the big city?!"

I took a deep breath, staring at the mug directly in front of me. I knew this conversation had to happen, I just hope he doesn't reacted the same way as my dad. It wasn't going to be fun explaining this to everyone.

I recounted my sad story of leaving behind my future and pretty much my life to Jared, avoiding his gaze, in nervous fear of rejection.

"So yeah. Here I am." I finished lamely. I glanced up at his face. He looked sort of surprised, which was expected but not angry or annoyed, which was a good sign.

"I'm confused though. I thought this was what you wanted; you seemed pretty damn sure of it before you left, when you got your marks back and all."

"I know. I guess college changes people." I said slightly woefully.

He smiled cheekily. "Hey, I hope not too much. Maybe I can help you with that inspiration thing."

He stood up. Shrugging his coat back on. "Come on." Jared tilted his head towards the door.

I followed him out, wondering what 'inspiration' he had in store for me.

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