Chapter One- Ohm (Yo La Tengo)

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Author's note- This is my second Ed fanfic, and like the other one, each title is a song title. So if you like this fanfic, please read my other one, You Break Me. oh, and the picture on the side is Ioko.

*Ioko's POV*

I sighed, as i layed down on my sofa in my Dublin townhouse, but no sooner than i got comforatable and turned on my favorite TV show, Bones, the phone rang, i groaned, and sat up, looking for my blaring cell phone, i grabbed it and answered it just in time, it had fallen under the sofa, so i was currently hanging upside down. "uh, hello?" i ask, realising i had no idea who was calling me.

"Hi! it's me, Missy, your best friend, remember me? i know it's been six months, but sheesh," My best friend since birth huffs.

"Missy! hi! sorry, i'm exausted, i've just gotten home from six months of touring with Ed," i say, laying back down.

"okay, okay, you're forgiven. Where is the beautiful ginger you are supposed to be in charge of?" she laughs.

"He's beautiful now, eh? well technically i'm supposed to be with him in London, but Stuart is with him for the next four days, So i have four wonderful days of relaxation before i have to fly up to London and live with Ed," i explain. 

"oh, well why don't you guys just move in together full time?" Missy asks.

"Because i don't want to give up my awesome house in one of my favorite countries, and the studio Ed records at is in London and he loves it there," i sigh, realising i miss my real home country.

" Well that's stupid, but understandable, well i just called to make sure you're okay, and you sound fine, so i have to go, but love ya babe," she says, and after saying goodbye, we hang up. looking at the time, and realsing i have no grocieries, and am starved, i decide to get take away from my favorite restaurant. this place is the shit, truly. since it's only a short bike ride away, i decide to just bike, i desperately need the exercise. 

Three hours later i have biked to and from the city, eaten, and watched an episode and a half of Bones, i decide that i will not be sleeping tonight, at least not a lot, so i finish the second Bones, and put in a movie. 

*Ed's POV*

"When is Ioko coming up to London?" i ask a sleepy and probably very annoyed Stuart. 

"For the millionth time Ed, four days. in four days Ioko will be here, and then i'm leaving for 2 weeks of rest. And Ioko will take over. Then both of us will be back and we will get to work recording stuff," he replies, before saying night, and going into the bedroom next door.

The next day, i wake up around noon with Jordan and Harley playing Football in my bedroom. 

"what the hell?" I ask, sitting up.

" We got bored, and we're going to Germany tomorrow. So we decided to come say hi. and play some football with you. but then you were asleep, so we figured the next best thing from playing with you, was to play near you, so that's what we are doing," Harley says, as Jordan starts laughing. 

"well alright then, i'm starving and have to get cleaned up, so continue to make yourselves at home, while i got shower and eat.," i say dryly, and get out of bed. The rest of the day is spent goofing off with the Rizzle Kicks boys and at ngiht we go drinking at local pub, with Stuart of course. The next few days are uneventful, and i get impatient wating for Ioko to come back, she and i are really close, and she's a lot happier than Stuart. Finally it's time for Stuart and i to go pick her up from the airport, and i am having trouble with what to wear, it's like i'm getting dressed to go pick up my girlfriend, which is wierd, because we are just firends, that's it. finally i decide on jeans, converse high tops, and a red and black button down shirt. 

"Ed, we will be late, let's go," Stuart yells at me, so i run some VO5 through my hair and follow stuart out the door and into his car. 45 minutes later we're standing at the gate to her plane, we're dropping stuart off after we pick her up, so we just went through security. i see her come through the tunnel, so i jog over to her, and shout her name, she turns, and smiles at me, closing the gap between us at a rather brisk pace. we hug, i put my arm around her waist, and we walk back to where stuart is standing. 

"Ed has missed you like crazy," are the first words out of stu's mouth when we reach him. Ioko laughs and looks at me, and i know my face has turned an inhuman shade of red. 

" Well, you're good company," is the only thing i can think of to say. 

"well thanks, now what gate are you at?" she asks Stuart.

"Um, 18," he replies and Ioko starts walking, Stuart and i follow, me catching up to her and wrapping my arm around her waist. She lays her head on my shoulder and sighs.

"bad flight?" i ask

"Nope, not really. i just haven't slept in four days," she replies, and i rememebr that she is a major insomniac and the only time she really sleeps is when i'm around. 

"aww, babe, i'm sorry," i reply, and then we reach gate 18. After saying goodbye to him, we go down to get ioko's luggage, She has a bright orange suitcase set. once we get all her bags she wheels two and i carry one out to Stuart's car, since hers is in Dublin. We throw her bags in the back and climb in the front, her in the driver's seat. she immediately plugs her ipod in and Florence and the Machine comes on. She quietly sings along and taps the steering wheel in time with the song. 

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